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Nuclear results are different from yt-dlp and cannot find the song I can find with yt-dlp
Fill in the form to describe your problem I have a problem with: AronChupa - LLama in my living room It happens when: searching My OS is: (Windows) I'm using Nuclear version: Newest (installed today)
Great tool so far! But today I found out, that the search can't find the song im looking for.
I've "made" a simple YT-Player as batch for the Win Command Line like:
set /p "input=Lied oder Gruppe? "
yt-dlp.exe --quiet --force-overwrites -f best.2 ytsearch:"/%input%, 1" -o - | bin\ffplay.exe -loglevel quiet -i - -fs -autoexit
And if I search with it for "llama in my living room" it plays the right video:
If I search with Nuclear I can't find this song. All I get is a live(?) version which don't sounds good and some remixes.
Tried to search for "llama in my living room" "aronchupa llama in my living room" "AronChupa, Little Sis Nora - Llama In My Living Room" aso...
Even if I click on the artist and let me show all songs I don't get the version linked above.
What I'm doing wrong?
What version do you get? For youtube, we don't use the top video returned from ytdl, we apply some heuristics first. If you let me know what video you're getting I'll be able to tune the heuristics so they return the correct one.
Wow! Fast answer! Impressing! :)
How I can tell you which version I get? I can't find a link or so on the video...
I've made a screenshot... It might help.
The strange thing is, that the version from my link isn't listed...
Ok, what if you add the second song that has both artists? Does that work? I think the problem is that there are two artists in this song.
The 2nd one is also the wrong version. It's an remix...
Also I've tried to search for: "AronChupa Little Sis Nora Llama In My Living Room" "AronChupa, Little Sis Nora - Llama In My Living Room" "AronChupa, Little Sis Nora Llama In My Living Room"
Then I'll get no result.
Btw... If I click on a song to list in a library how can i get rid of the menu other than pressing ESC key?
I found an old version of Nuclear on my PC (0.6.10) and it looks like it found the right version if I search for "llama in my living room". I'm not 100% sure because the strange thing is, the song starts at 1:11 and can't be started from beginning... :D
But I compared the length of the song with the one from YT and both are 3:49 so I guess its the right one.
I've tried it then with nuclear-2dd909 and get the wrong one... (I'm messy, I know... ;) )
EDIT: Another strange thing: If I search for "Volbeat" one song (so far) is missing: "Temple of Ekur"
Also "Shotgun Blues"...
I'm not 100% sure because the strange thing is, the song starts at 1:11 and can't be started from beginning... It's because sponsorblock cuts out non-music segments, in this case it's an intro to a music video.
Oh... ic... It's not really an ad but the blocker think it is i guess... :)
So there is a huge difference how your famous player blocks ads and how yt-dlp blocks it, or?