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My logging diary for my journey to becoming fullstack
Study list
This repo is created solely for logging purposes (we all know that GitHub green contribution chart effect on our productivity and self-esteem ;)
- [ ] 1. Freecodecamp – Responsive Web Design
- [ ] 2. Freecodecamp – Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS
- [ ] 3. JavaScript 30 – Vanilla.js
- [x] 1. Freecodecamp – Basic Javascript
- [x] 2. Freecodecamp - ES6
- [x] 3. Functional Programming
- [x] 4. Udemy – ES6 Javascript
- [x] 5. Kent C Dodds – JS To Know For React
- [x] (Optional) Advanced JS
- [x] 6. Egghead – JavaScript Promises in Depth
- [x] 7. Egghead – Understand JavaScript's this Keyword in Depth
- [x] 8. Egghead – Reduce Data with Javascript Array#reduce
- [x] 9. Egghead – Write simple asynchronous code with JavaScript generators
- [x] 10. Egghead – Asynchronous JavaScript with async/await
- [x] 11. Egghead – Understanding JavaScript's Prototypal Inheritance
- [x] 0. Docs – Typescript for OOP progammers or Docs – Typescript for JS programmers
- [x] 1. Docs – Typescript Handbook
- [x] 2. Egghead – Up and Running with TypeScript
- [x] 3. Egghead – Use Types Effectively in TypeScript
- [ ] (Optional) Advanced TS
- [x] 4. Egghead – Practical Advanced TypeScript
- [ ] 5. Github – Type challenges
- [x] 1. Docs – Main Concepts
- [x] 2. Docs – Hooks
- [ ] 1. Docs – Node
- [ ] 2. Timur Shemsedinov Nodejs Playlist
- [ ] (Optional) Ben Awad | Fullstack React GraphQL TypeScript Tutorial
- [ ] 1. What Is Docker? | What Is Docker And How It Works? | Docker Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
- [ ] 2. Egghead – Docker Fundamentals
- [ ] 3. How to Get Started with Docker | with Node
- [ ] 4. Docker for Beginners
- [ ] 5. Docs – Docker
- [ ] 6. Dockerize PostgreSQL
- [ ] 7. Ardanlbas – Ultimate Docker
- [ ] 1. DB configuration with Docker
- [ ] 2. W3Schools – SQL syntax
- [ ] 3. Egghead – SQL Fundamentals
- [ ] 4. Egghead – Get started with PostgreSQL
- [ ] 5. ORM?
- [ ] 6. Geeksforgeeks – Normal Forms in DBMS
- [ ] 7. Tutorialspoint – Indexing DBMS
Heuristics for picking resources
Articles, reads
- Timur Shemsedinov Nodejs Playlist
- Khalil Stemmler blog
- Martin Fowler blog
- Dan Abramov (overreacted) blog
- https://microservices.io/index.html
- [x] 1. Solidbook, Khalil Stemmler
- [x] 2. DDD Distilled, Vaughn Vernon
- [ ] 3. Clean Architecture, Robert Martin
- [ ] 4. TDD by example, Kent Beck (take testingjavascript.com at the same time)
- [ ] 5. XP, Kent Beck
- [ ] 6. DDIA, Martin Kleppmann