kafka icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kafka copied to clipboard

a simpler go kafka client



A simple, go-like Go Kafka consumer. Use it like follows:

package main

import (

func main() {
	r, _ := kafka.OpenConsumer("localhost:1234", "topic", 0,
    kafka.OFF_NEWEST, kafka.DefaultReaderOptions())

	buf := make([]byte, 1024)
	for _, err := r.Read(buf); err == nil; _, err = r.Read(buf) {
		fmt.Printf("'%s'", string(buf))

The kafka module exposes an io.ReadCloser-compatible interface:

type Consumer interface {
	Seek(offset int64)
	Read(buf []byte) (int, error)
	GetOffset() int64
	Close() error

	Offsets(base int64, num int32) ([]int64, error)

Read will always read exactly one message or fail. Message fetches, however, are batched behind the scene, so calls to Read do not correspond 1:1 with network requests.


This API is subject to change. I'd like to eventually add support for publishers, and probably move the Offsets call off of the reader interface.