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ASP.NET Core Identity UI
Nuages Identity
What is Nuages Identity
Nuages Identity is an ASP.NET Core 7 application implementing ASP.NET Identity. The main goal is to provide a production-ready solution, not just a startup sample project.
What is included?
- Ready to use as-is with .NET 7 support
- Multi Language support (English and french included)
- Implement OpenIddict (client credential, device, authorization code, password flows)
- Implement Fido2 as 2FA method
- UI build with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS (Dark and light theme)
- SMS 2FA fallback
- Login using Magic Link
- Message service for sending Email ans SMS (using AWS SES). Basic email templates provided in English and French.
- Support Google ReCaptcha
- Support password reuse restriction
- Support password expiration
- Support user must change password flag
- And more...
Database storage
Support is provided for the following Database engine.
- InMemory (default)
- MongoDB
- SqlServer
- MySql
Gettings Started
By default, the application will run with the following settings
- InMemory data storage
- Email are sent to the console output
- No Google Recaptcha
- No OAuth providers
- Two (2) demo clients created for OpenIdDict
Those settings can be changed using standard configuration mechanism.
Run locally
From root directory,
cd src/Nuages.Identity.UI
dotnet run
Application will be available at https://localhost:8001
Run locally with Docker
From the root directory,
docker build -t nuages.identity.ui .
docker run -it --rm -p 8003:80 --env-file ./env.list --name nuage-identity nuages.identity.ui
Application will be available at http://localhost:8003 (no HTTPS)
Note: env.list must include environment variables required to run the app (see Configuration below)
The application can be deployed using standard ASP.NET Core mechanism.
The sample site is deployed on AWS with ECS using the following CDK project.
Configuration is done using the standard Configuration system. You may want to use one of the following ways to customize the application.
- Change appsettings.json
- Add a appsettings.local.json and/or (those file are not added to git)
- Use environment variables
- If using AWS
- You may use AppConfig
- You may use ParameterStore
Data storage options
"Nuages": {
"Data": {
"Storage": "InMemory",
"ConnectionString": "",
"Redis": ""
- Nuages__Data__Storage : InMemory, MongoDb, SqlServer or MySql.
- Nuages__Data__ConnectionString: Your database connection string
- Nuages__Data__Redis: Optional Redis connection string. If provided, it will be used as the distributed cache mechanism (IDistributedCache).
IMPORTANT! Initial database migration is required for SqlServer and MySql.
- Create a appsettings.mysql.json or appsettings.sqlserver.json file in either Nuages.Identity.Storage.MySql or Nuages.Identity.Storage.SqlServer depending on your database choice.
- Add the connection string the file
"ConnectionString" : "server=localhost;user=yourUser;password=yourPassword;database=identity"
- Run the following command to create the database
dotnet ef database update
Identity options
"Nuages": {
"Identity": {
"Name": "Nuages",
"Authority": "https://localhost:8001",
"SupportsAutoPasswordExpiration": true,
"AutoExpirePasswordDelayInDays": 60,
"SupportsLoginWithEmail": true,
"AutoConfirmExternalLogin": true,
"EnablePasswordHistory": "true",
"PasswordHistoryCount": 5,
"Audiences": [
"Password": {
"RequiredLength": 6,
"RequireNonAlphanumeric": true,
"RequireLowercase": true,
"RequireUppercase": true,
"RequireDigit": true,
"RequiredUniqueChars": 1
- Nuages__Identity__Name : Name of your application
- Nuages__Identity__Authority : Your authority URL. It must match your public URL.
- Nuages__Identity__SupportsAutoPasswordExpiration : Set to true will auto expire password after AutoExpirePasswordDelayInDays days.
- Nuages__Identity__AutoExpirePasswordDelayInDays : If Enabled, the number of days before a password expires.
- Nuages__Identity__SupportsLoginWithEmail : Set to true to allow loging in by email AND user name.
- Nuages__Identity__AutoConfirmExternalLogin : Set to true to auto verified user registerd using an external OAuth provider
- Nuages__Identity__EnablePasswordHistory : Set to true to prevent reusing password
- Nuages__Identity__PasswordHistoryCount : Number of password to remember
- Nuages__Identity__Audiences : The Audiences supported by the authority.
- Nuages__Identity__Password: Password options
UI Options
"Nuages": {
"UI": {
"AllowSelfRegistration": true,
"ExternalLoginAutoEnrollIfEmailExists": true,
"ExternalLoginPersistent": true,
"EnableMagicLink": true,
"EnablePhoneFallback": true,
"Enable2FARememberDevice": true,
"EnableFido2": true,
"FontAwesomeUrl": ""
- Nuages__UI__AllowSelfRegistration : Set to true to let user create their own account.
- Nuages__UI__ExternalLoginAutoEnrollIfEmailExists : Set to true to automatically bind external login to user account when the email match.
- Nuages__UI__ExternalLoginPersistent : Set tot true to remember external login
- Nuages__UI__EnableMagicLink : Set to true to allow magic link login
- Nuages__UI__EnablePhoneFallback : Set to true to allow SMS as an alterntive 2FA mechanism
- Nuages__UI__Enable2FARememberDevice : Set to true to allow remembering 2FA login on the device
- Nuages__UI__EnableFido2 : Set to true to allow Fido2 as a 2FA alternative
- Nuages__UI__FontAwesomeUrl : Your Font Awesome 6 Kit URL
Localization options
"Nuages": {
"Localization": {
"DefaultCulture": "fr-CA",
"LangClaim": "lang",
"Cultures": [
See for more localization information
OpenIdDict options
"Nuages": {
"OpenIdDict": {
"EncryptionKey": "",
"SigningKey": "",
"CreateDemoClients": true
Google Racaptcha
"Nuages": {
"Web": {
"GoogleRecaptcha": {
"SiteKey": "",
"SecretKey": ""
OAuth Provider
"Nuages": {
"OpenIdProviders": {
"Google": {
"ClientId": "",
"ClientSecret": ""
"Microsoft": {
"ClientId": "",
"ClientSecret": ""
"Facebook": {
"AppId": "",
"AppSecret": ""
"GitHub": {
"ClientId": "",
"ClientSecret": ""
Configuration with AWS
EventBridge Options
"EventBus" :
"Source" : null,
"Name" : null
SES Options
"MessageService": {
"SendFromEmail": "[email protected]",
"DefaultCulture": "en"
AWS System Manager options
"Nuages": {
"ApplicationConfig": {
"ParameterStore": {
"Enabled": false,
"Path": "/NuagesIdentity"
"AppConfig": {
"Enabled": false,
"ApplicationId": "NuagesIdentity",
"EnvironmentId": "Prod",
"ConfigProfileId": "WebUI"
Application settings can be set using System Manager ParameterStore and AppConfig.
Set Enable to true to activate.
More info here
Using AWS SecretManager
You can use a secret instead of a string value for any configuration value.
Ex. Let's says you want to hide the database connection string
So instead of
"Nuages": {
"Data": {
"ConnectionString": "my connection string value"
You can swap the value for a secret ARN (the ARN can be found in your AWS account)
"Nuages": {
"Data": {
"ConnectionString": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:{region}:{account_id}:secret:identity/mongo-ABC123"
Only string values are supported.
Some restrictions apply compare to the default ASP.NET identity implementation.
- A phone number cannot be used as the primary 2FA method. It can only be used as a fallback mechanism.
- It is not possible to require a verified phone number to login
- User's email cannot be different from the username if the username is an email.
- Email must be unique system wide
- AWS services are disabled by default. See next section for additional information.
- LigerShark.WebOptimizer.Code
- Font Awesome 6
- Vue 3
- NLog
- Macross.Json.Extensions
- OctoKit (to get GitHub user email) ( (Optional)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis (Optional)
- Pre-configured OAuth providers (you will have to register your application with the provider)
- AspNet.Security.OAuth.GitHub
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Google
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Facebook
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Twitter
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount
Dependencies when UseAWS flag is true
- System Manager
- AppConfig
- Parameter Store
- Simple Email Service (SES)
- Simple Notification Service (SNS)
- Secret Manager
- EventBridge (optional)
- ElastiCache (REDIS) (optional)
- HtmlAgilityPack (Optional, required by email template loader)