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A data visualization framework combining React & D3
I want my graph to take up the maximum possible space, without axes -- currently the documentation does not mention how to do this.
MinimapXYFrame should create a y axis minimap or an x axis minimap or both.
The types available for various `ResponsiveFooFrame` components do not extend their base types. For example, TypeScript says there is no `points` prop available on ``.
You cannot draw a contour and a trendline simultaneously
The new docs are great but I think they would benefit if a search box was added? Would be useful to quickly look up stuff. :)
So that when you know your points are going to graphically overflow they aren't rendered in the margins like this:
A plotly-like interface that lets you hover on points but also click to brush the chart (in XYFrame) to zoom.
In all examples like [shared Tooltip]( , if there could be a fiddle link it would be easier to debug and test the code. Here its really hard to figure...
Some kind of system that allows people to add things like the multi-point hover as seen with Matt's custom tooltip.