hydrogen copied to clipboard
Export to HTML
Summary: HTML Report export of Notebook
Motivation: Sharing my Code and Markdown Comments with my Team
Alternatives: Export to Jupyter Notebook, Import Jupyter Notebook, Export Jupyter Notebook as HTML.
Question: Is there already a possibilty? I tried HTML export, but the Output of my Code is missing (and the format doesnt look nice, but that would be ok)
@pascalbrunner there is currently only exporting to a .ipynb file, and this does not yet contain outputs (see #1503) also there is no export to any other format beside .ipynb however i briefly experimented in #1080 with pdf export.
I implemented a html export possibility for myself. Perhaps it also helps somebody or somebody can write a module out of it.
This way it exports the .ipynb and a .html with rendered output in Jupyters Notebook form.
I opened atom in developer mode and changed the export notebook to the following:
export default function exportNotebook() {
// TODO: Refactor to use promises, this is a bit "nested".
const saveNotebook = function(filename) {
if (!filename) {
const ext = path.extname(filename) === "" ? ".ipynb" : "";
const fname = `${filename}${ext}`;
writeFile(fname, stringifyNotebook(store.notebook), function(err, data) {
if (err) {
atom.notifications.addError("Error saving file", {
detail: err.message
} else {
atom.notifications.addSuccess("Save successful", {
detail: `Saved notebook as ${fname}`
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
const output = execSync(`jupyter nbconvert --execute --to html ${fname}`, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
console.log('Output was:\n', output);
@pascalbrunner Did you update the exportNoteBook function in export-notebook.js? I am trying to get it work but failed. Could you elaborate a bit more? Thanks!
any updates?
hi, i wonder if there's any instruciton on how to implement @pascalbrunner code! it seems super useful :) thanks!