Tim Nguyen
Tim Nguyen
Top priority: - [ ] YouTube - [ ] Spotify P2: - [ ] Soundcloud - [ ] Google music Least priority: - [ ] Dailymotion ?
- [x] Presets - [x] Reset button - [ ] Add a way to disable equalizer (connect source directly to destination for better perf)
Maybe use electron-builder instead of electron-winstaller ?
From @MohIceAge: we can run a couple of regexes and see which one matches, and fallback to using the file name
Use invert filter for now. CSS custom properties will be supported in creators update, so no need for extra code for highlight color.
Make modules similar to: Playlist.js or SettingsOverlay.js - Controls (Media controls) - Player (contains methods to control audio/video) - Visualizer (header + video + visualizer) - More ? Possibly: use...
Thoughts everyone? The old debugger is no longer maintained, so recommending bugs on the deprecated tool isn't a good idea.