base16-ipython-notebook copied to clipboard
Ocean dark was just what I was looking for...
...with just one tweak. I reversed the input area color because white was just... too bright.
37 div.input_area {
38 /* Input area with dark background; */
39 background-color: #1e222a; /* added */
40 border-radius: 0px;
41 border: 1px solid #4f5b66;
42 }
43 /* Set light on dark text; */
44 div.CodeMirror-code pre {
45 color: white; /* added */
46 }
I don't understand what this issue is. Are you saying the input area is white for dark themes? If you are getting that, can you provide a screenshot and browser/OS info?
The default is for the input area to be the same as the background color, and this is the behavior I get for all themes. See this screenshot, for example:
I see the same thing, but when I clicked in a cell to edit, the background of the cell was white (with black text). I was working on markup cells when I altered the CSS. Maybe that makes a difference? Here's two screen shots...