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Elixir Zendesk API Client http://developer.zendesk.com/


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Elixir Zendesk API Client


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All the methods are documented, for documentation, check each of the available functions. In iex,

h Zendesk.CommentApi.all_comments


Add use Zendesk to your file

Create a zendesk account

account = Zendesk.account(subdomain: "your_subdomain",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "test")

Pipe it (or pass it) to an api call

account |> all_users

Thats it, the above return the list of all users

Bellow is a description on how to use the provided api functions, if you don't find your function in the list you can use Zendesk.Client to perform any resource request.

Zendesk Account

Create a request with a subdomain, email and password:

account = Zendesk.account(subdomain: "your_subdomain",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "test")

Create a request with a subdomain, email and token:

account = Zendesk.account(subdomain: "your_subdomain",
email: "[email protected]",
token: "THE_TOKEN")

Once you have an account you can use it with all consequent api calls

Account settings

account_settings returns the current account settings


account |> account_settings


upload_file upload a file show_attachment show a single attachment delete_attachment deletes a single attachment


account |>
upload_file(file_name: "the_file_name", file_path: "path_to_file")

account |> show_attachment(attachment_id: "Attachment_ID")

account |> delete_attachment(attachment_id: "Attachment_ID")


all_brands get a list of all brands show_brand shows a single brand


account |> all_brands

account |> show_brand(brand_id: "Brand_ID")


all_comments gets all comments for a ticket or for a request show_comment shows a single comment redact_comment redacts a comment make_comment_private make a comment private


account |> all_comments(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID")
account |> all_comments(request_id: "Request_ID")

account |> show_comment(request_id: "Request_ID",
comment_id: "Comment_ID")

account |> redact_comment(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID",
comment_id: "Comment_id", text: "text_to_redact")

account |> make_comment_private(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID",
comment_id: "Comment_id")

Group membership

all_group_membership get a list of all group membership show_group_membership shows a single group membership


account |> all_group_membership
account |> all_group_membership(user_id: "User_ID")
account |> all_group_membership(group_id: "Group_ID")

account |> show_group_membership(membership_id: "Membership_ID")
account |> show_group_membership(membership_id: "Membership_ID"
user_id: "User_ID")


all_groups get a list of all groups show_group shows a single group


account |> all_groups

show_group(group_id: "Group_ID")


all_organizations get a list of all organisations autocomplete_organizations autocomplete organisation name show_organization shows a single organisation


account |> all_organizations
account |> all_organizations(user_id: "User_ID")

account |>autocomplete_organizations(name: "name")

account |> show_organization(organization_id: "Organization_ID")


Requests are created incrementally calling, for example

request = Request.new(subject: "Hello", comment: "The description")
    |> Request.set_status("hold")
    |> Request.set_priority("high")
    |> Request.set_type("incident")
    |> Request.set_requester_id("222")
    |> Request.set_assignee_email("[email protected]")
    |> Request.set_group_id("333")
    |> Request.set_assignee_id("444")
    |> Request.set_due_at("at")
    |> Request.set_can_be_solved_by_me(true)
    |> Request.set_is_solved(true)

The returned request can be used to create or update a request

all_requests get a list of all requests search_requests searches for a request with a query show_request shows a request create_request creates a request update_request updates a request


account |> all_requests
account |> all_requests(statuses: ["open", "closed"])
account |> all_requests(user_id: "4096938127")
account |> all_requests(organization_id: "22016037")

account |> search_requests(query: "the query")

account |> show_request(request_id: "Request_ID")

account |> create_request(request: a_request_struct)

account |> update_request(id: "Request_ID", request: request)


search perform a search with a query


account |> search(type: :user, query: "query")
account |> search(query: "type:ticket query")


all_tags get a list of all tags set_tags set tags for a user or a ticket update_tags add tags for a user or a ticket delete_tags delete tags from a user or a ticket


account |> all_tags
account |> all_tags(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID")
account |> all_tags(user_id: "User_ID")

account |> set_tags(user_id: "User_ID", tags: tags_list)
account |> set_tags(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID", tags: tags_list)

account |> update_tags(user_id: "User_ID", tags: tags_list)
account |> update_tags(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID", tags: tags_list)

account |> delete_tags(user_id: "User_ID", tags: tags_list)
account |> delete_tags(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID", tags: tags_list)

Ticket Fields

all_ticket_fields get a list of all ticket fields create_ticket_field create a ticket field update_ticket_field update a ticket field delete_ticket_field delete a ticket field


account |> all_ticket_fields

field = TicketField.new(type: "tagger", title: "The title")
|> TicketField.add_custom_field_option(name: "Option 1",
value: "value1")
account |> create_ticket_field(ticket_field: field)

account |> update_ticket_field(ticket_field: field, field_id: "Field_ID")

account |> delete_ticket_field(field_id: "Field_ID")

Ticket Metrics

all_metrics get a list of all ticket metrics show_metric shows a single metric


account |> all_metrics
account |> all_metrics(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID")

account |> show_metric(metric_id: "Metric_ID")


Tickets are created incrementally calling, for example

ticket = Ticket.new("Test Ticket")
      |> Ticket.set_priority("urgent")
      |> Ticket.set_type("problem")
      |> Ticket.set_subject("The subject")

The returned ticket can be used to create or update a ticket

create_ticket creates a ticket update_ticket updates a ticket merge_tickets merge tickets into 1 ticket all_tickets return a list of all tickets recent_tickets return a list of recent tickets delete_ticket deletes a ticket ticket_related get a ticket related info show_ticket show a single ticket show_tickets show multiple tickets ticket_collaborators get a list of ticket collaborators ticket_incidents get a list of ticket incidents ticket_problems get a list of ticket problems autocomplete_problems autocomplete a ticket problems


account |> create_ticket(ticket: ticket)

account |> update_ticket(ticket: ticket, ticket_id: "Ticket_ID")

account |> merge_tickets(target_id: "Target_ID", ids: IDS_LIST,
target_comment: "Closing this", source_comment: "Combing")

account |> all_tickets

account |> recent_tickets

account |> delete_ticket(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID")

account |> ticket_related(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID")

account |> show_ticket(requester_id: "Request_ID")
account |> show_ticket(assignee_id: "Assignee_ID")
account |> show_ticket(cc_id: "CC_ID")
account |> show_ticket(organization_id: "Organization_ID")
account |> show_ticket(ticket_id: "Ticket_ID")

account |>  show_tickets(ids: ["1", "587"])

account |>  ticket_collaborators

account |>  ticket_incidents

account |>  ticket_problems

account |> autocomplete_problems(text: "Subject")

User Fields

all_user_fields get a list of all user field


account |> all_user_fields


all_users get a list of all users show_user get a single users show_users get a list of users search_user search for users autocomplete_user autocomplete users current_user get the current user


account |> all_users
account |> all_users(group_id: "Group_ID")
account |> all_users(organization_id: "Organization_ID")

account |> show_user(user_id: "User_ID")

account |> show_users(ids: [ids])

account |> search_user(query: "Query")

account |> autocomplete_user(name: "Name")

account |> current_user


Views are created incrementally calling, for example

view = View.new(title: "The Title")
	|> View.add_condition(type: :any, field: "status",
	operator: "is", value: "open")
	|> View.add_condition(type: :any, field: "status",
	operator: "is", value: "closed")

The returned view can be used to create or update a view

all_views get a list of all views active_views get a list of active views compact_views get a compact list of views show_view show a single view create_view create a view update_view updates a view delete_view deletes a view execute_view execute a view to get the tickets view_tickets get a view tickets count_views count the view tickets count_view count a single view tickets preview_view previews a view without creating it count_view_preview count the ticket number for a view preview


account |> all_views

account |> active_views

account |> compact_views

account |> show_view(view_id: "View_ID")

view = View.new(title: "The Title")
|> View.add_condition(type: :any, field: "status",
operator: "is", value: "open")
account |> create_view(view)

account |> update_view(view_id: "View_ID", view: view)

account |> preview_view(view)

account |> count_view_preview(view)

account |> delete_view(view_id: "View_ID")

account |> execute_view(view_id: "View_ID")

account |> view_tickets(view_id: "View_ID")

account |> count_views(ids: [IDS])

account |> count_view(view_id: "View_ID")

Client request

Zendesk.Client can be used to perform any request that is not listed above.

For example, for a GET request:

account |>
Zendesk.Client.request(resource: "organization_memberships.json")

A post request can be done with:

account |>
Client.request(resource: "tickets/1/tags.json",
verb: :post,
body: %{tags: ["1", "2"]})

account |>
Client.request(resource: "tickets/1/tags.json",
verb: :post,
json: Poison.encode!(%{tags: ["1", "2"]}) )

What's supported, and what's not

The following endpoint apis are supported:

  • Tickets operation
  • Ticket comments
  • Ticket fields
  • Request
  • User Api
  • User fields api
  • Group Api
  • Group membership api
  • Attachments
  • Show Brands
  • Tags
  • Organisation
  • Search

The following are not:

  • Ticket audits
  • Incremental exports
  • Ticket forms
  • Ticket imports
  • User creations
  • Create user fields
  • User Identities
  • Create groups
  • Assign Group Memberships
  • Automations
  • Activity streams
  • Audit logs
  • Create/Delete/Update a brand
  • Dynamic content
  • Job statuses
  • Macros
  • Create/Delete Organisation
  • Organisation membership

Help centre API is in the working!