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Source code for generating the QGreenland package hosted at https://qgreenland.org/
>Could we add the MIT License link in the readthedocs () since I'll remove the license section from the website? [Slack Message](https://nsidc.slack.com/archives/CRB96FG68/p1692832819623639?thread_ts=1692820946.769109&cid=CRB96FG68)
Re-add the NSF badges from https://github.com/nsidc/qgreenland/pull/761. There might be a way to include these in the pdf. See https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/4789.
Can we find newer albedo data? Currently we have monthly fields for July of 2018 and 2019 and is derived from Sentinel-3A. There is a [MODIS derived dataset](https://dataverse.geus.dk/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.22008/FK2/HVVUX4) that has...
Ian Joughin reached out to us via email about adding GrIMP data to QGreenland (forwarded to QGreenland team members Trey and Matt). Consider adding data layers from GrIMP (probably as...
An education-focused QGreenland package would include only layers useful for curriculum materials developed around QGreenland, and would exclude some science layers that may be confusing to beginners (e.g., error estimate...
Twila notes that she does not think there is a synthesis database for this yet. Twila says: > I think these requests fall into the category of things people wish...
Matt says: > "Links to data" i.e. we have vector elements (lines) with attributes including links to echogram (non-geolocated?) raster data cross-sectioning along the vector element? This suggestion received from...
Twila notes that she does not think there is a synthesis database for this yet. Twila says: > The NASA Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) mission did do quite a few...
Consider adding a 200m bathymetry dataset. It was suggested that the 200m IBCAO bathymetry be added. We currently use the GEBCO grid at 400m clipped to the QGr background boundary....