RecyclerTabLayout copied to clipboard
An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView.
Sometimes when I change position of ViewPager I see that current tab at RecyclerTabLayout stay the same. I've figure out after some debugging where is problem. See at method updateCurrentIndicatorPosition....
- Migrate to AndroidX - contain v1.5.1 - update VERSION
Sometimes when I change position of ViewPager I see that current tab at RecyclerTabLayout stay the same. I've figure out after some debugging where is problem. See at method `updateCurrentIndicatorPosition`....
Initial tab position (use getCenterPosition() ) works fine, but initial tab indicator is wrong, indicates previous one. with RecyclerTabLayout v1.3.0 and FragmentStatePagerAdapter. ( v1.2.0 or previous versions, works fine) Thanks.
How can i make adapter to load Another fragment ?
android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #19: Binary XML file line #19: Error inflating class com.nshmura.recyclertablayout.RecyclerTabLayout Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #19: Error inflating class com.nshmura.recyclertablayout.RecyclerTabLayout Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException...
how to set all Infinite selected tab? currently just indicator one item. i need indicator all the same tab item
i think textview style lines = 1 or singleLine =true ,can it?
Separate text appearance for tab text and tab selected text
First of thanks for useful Widget!!! I have a problem, after setting `app:rtl_tabBackground="@color/darkRed"` indicator disapears. Before setting tabBackground all works Perfectly. Do i miss something in readme?