termbox-go icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
termbox-go copied to clipboard

Pure Go termbox implementation

Results 49 termbox-go issues
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I'm new to the codebase, so not sure if this is the correct approach. Also, could be worth adding SHIFT and META to, but they're generally already intercepted by terminals.

Attempt to fix broken mouse events. Tested on OSX iTerm.app, OSX Terminal.app & Fedora 25 XFCE Terminal.

Every exported function in a program should have a doc comment. The first sentence should be a summary that starts with the name being declared. From [effective go](https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#commentary). PR generated...

@nsf do you think it properly fixes #215 ?

This is a draft regarding #162 #182 #206 because I'd be interested in such a functionality and the possibilities they imply. Those issues suggest adding functionality to switch between screens....

I am a bit new to golang so I am not sure how will it be possible to detect if the user is using Windows terminal instead of the cmd....

>https://github.com/nsf/termbox-go/blob/master/_demos/hello_world.go When I change the hello world in the example program to Chinese, it is normal in the terminal that comes with the windows system, but in the cmd of...

Why hardcode /dev/tty in the init function? I have a custom pty I want the library to work with it ``` case "bash": // terminal.MakeRaw(channel.) if !sta.enaMode { term.Write(append(term.Escape.Red, "please...

See code here... https://github.com/nsf/termbox-go/blob/e788edde8c11a0755b83a1fba8e7e578cfe484ef/api_common.go#L96 ``` KeyEnter Key = 0x0D KeyCtrlM Key = 0x0D ``` I found this out the hard way while I attempted to bind KeyCtrlM for something and...