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Picking mode gbk/RAST special org: 1433767 rast=los7Rast.ids special=1433767
########################################################## Welcome to CORASON
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CORe Analysis of Syntenic Orthologs Natural Product-Biosynthetic Gene Cluster
########################################################## Your current directory is /home/output/mydir, local path mydir
You will use antiSMASH file none I must check A0A139GIE5.query is a fasta file Your cluster is located on organism number 1433767 Default e-value=1E-15 Your bitscore is set to 0, you can use a positive bitscore to reduce your hunchs the radio of your cluster is 10 Minimal e-value to be consider an homologous of a cluster member is: 1E-3 Minimal e-value for ortho groups in core 1E-3 You are rescaling gene size by a factor: 85000 Your rast ids file is los7Rast.ids All genomes would be procesed You will explore 6 genomes /opt/corason/CORASON/ -q A0A139GIE5.query -s 1433767 -e_value 1E-15 -b 0 -cluster_radio 10 -e_core 1E-3 -e_cluster 1E-3 -rescale 85000 -l 1433767 6666666.1170174 Tolypothrix sp. PCC 7601,1433766 6666666.1170173 Microcystis aeruginosa,1433765 6666666.1170172 Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843 ,1433764 6666666.1170171 Anabaenopsis elenkinii CCIBt3563,1433763 6666666.1170170 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806SL,1433762 6666666.1170169 Planktothrix agardhii ,1433761 6666666.1170168 Planktothrix agardhii NIVA-CYA 15 -num 6 -rast_ids los7Rast.ids -antismash none Searching sequences from query (/opt/corason/CORASON/ /opt/corason/CORASON/ -q A0A139GIE5.query -s 1433767 -e_value 1E-15 -b 0 -cluster_radio 10 -e_cluster 1E-3 -r 85000 -l 1433767 -n 6 -rast_ids los7Rast.ids -type prots -makedb -antismash none -dir_scripts /opt/corason/CORASON
dir_scripts /opt/corason/CORASON mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output': File exists I will search homologous genes in organisms mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/MINI': File exists I will create a Database with selected genomes prots type
Aminoacid data will be analized
/opt/corason/CORASON/ GENOMES los7Rast.ids /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 29, <ALL> line 1.
GENOMES/1433767 6666666.1170174 Tolypothrix sp. PCC 7601.faa does not exists No such file or directory at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 32, <ALL> line 1.
pause before makeDB
makeblastdb -in /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/TempConcatenados.faa -dbtype prot -out /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/temDatabase.db
Protein db was created
Looking for hits
homologous gene search finished
Searching for homologous gene in clusters
I have colored genes according to homology
Now I will produce the *.input file
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 251.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 300.
Sequences search finished
Analizing cluster with hits according to the query sequence
Can't exec "1": No such file or directory at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 17. Couldnt open 1433767 No such file or directory at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 76. There are 1 similar clusters Creating query hits tree, without considering the core-clusters
Aligning Sequences
Shaving alignments with Gblocks
- File not opened *
File not in NBRF/PIR format or too few sequences in the alignment: 0
Execution terminated Couldn't open /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/PrincipalHits.muscle-gb file No such file or directory at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 11. FastTree Version 2.1.11 SSE3 Alignment: /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/RightNamesPrincipalHits.txt Amino acid distances: BLOSUM45 Joins: balanced Support: SH-like 1000 Search: Normal +NNI +SPR (2 rounds range 10) +ML-NNI opt-each=1 TopHits: 1.00*sqrtN close=default refresh=0.80 ML Model: Jones-Taylor-Thorton, CAT approximation with 20 rate categories Cannot read /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/RightNamesPrincipalHits.txt Searching genetic core on selected clusters /opt/corason/CORASON/ -e_core 1E-3 -list 1433767_23 -num 1 -rast_ids los7Rast.ids -outname /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output -dir_scripts /opt/corason/CORASON I will run allvsall with blast /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/Coremydir.blast You want ortho groups of the following genomes 1433767_23 Now finding Best Bidirectional Hits List Selecting List that contains orthologs from all desired genomes Starting Star groups num 1 list 1433767_23 Starting stars /opt/corason/CORASON/ 1433767_23 /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output Done! /opt/corason/CORASON/ReadReaction 1433767_23 1 /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output rm: cannot remove '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON/FUNCTION': No such file or directory Core finished!
There is a core with at least two genes on this cluster Best cluster /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/1433767_23 Best cluster /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output cut -f1,2 /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON/FUNCTION/1433767_23.core.function
&align 1,1,/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON,1433767_23 Couldnt open /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON/ALIGNMENTS_GB/1.muscle.pir No such file or directory Sequences were aligned
Creating aminoacid core cluster matrix.. directory /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON/ALIGNMENTS_GB will be open Se abrio el directorio /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON/ALIGNMENTS_GB con los archivos numericos
Can't open /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON/CONCATENADOS/: No such file or directory. couldn't open /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON/CONCATENADOS/1 No such file or directory at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 86. /opt/corason/CORASON/ los7Rast.ids /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output rm: cannot remove '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/RightNames.txt': No such file or directory Couldn't open /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/SalidaConcatenada.txt file No such file or directory at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 11. Can't open /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/RightNames.txt: No such file or directory. Formating matrix.. FastTree Version 2.1.11 SSE3 Alignment: /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/RightNames.txt Amino acid distances: BLOSUM45 Joins: balanced Support: SH-like 1000 Search: Normal +NNI +SPR (2 rounds range 10) +ML-NNI opt-each=1 TopHits: 1.00sqrtN close=default refresh=0.80 ML Model: Jones-Taylor-Thorton, CAT approximation with 20 rate categories Cannot read /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/RightNames.txt nw_topology -b -IL /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/A0A139GIE5.query_BGC.tre | nw_display -b 'opacity:0' -v 40 -s - >/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/A0A139GIE5.query_tree.svgI will draw SVG clusters with concatenated tree order /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output outname
Sequences didnt align, I will draw SVG clusters with the single hits blast order grep: /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output//home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output.BLAST: No such file or directory Use of uninitialized value $INPUTS in scalar chop at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 281.
Draw Use of uninitialized value $INPUTS in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 230. Now SVG file will be generated with inputs:
Use of uninitialized value $INPUTS in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 231. Use of uninitialized value $INPUTS in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 232. /opt/corason/CORASON/ 85000 /home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output A0A139GIE5.querycouldn open frequency file A0A139GIE5.query/Frequency Not a directory at /opt/corason/CORASON/ line 113. SVG file generated
mv: cannot stat '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/Contextos.svg': No such file or directory Cleaning temporary files rm: cannot remove '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/PrincipalHits.muscle-gb.htm': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/*.txt': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/home/output/A0A139GIE5.query-output/CORASON_GENOMES': No such file or directory mv A0A139GIE5.query /home/output/Done Have a nice day
I am unable to generate .svg file with the combination of Increase and Decrease number of data size@joyliu19,also edited the as you mentioned in the issue section even i tried the exmple file but it is unable to generate the .svg file. can you please help me to resolve this why i am getting this error ? Thank you.
your sincearly Naveen