Nathan Schneider

Results 95 comments of Nathan Schneider

I see no need to reinvent the wheel on English ADJ vs. ADV. If a word like "cheap" or "long" could be replaced by "carefully" but not "careful", it should...

Re: ADJ vs. ADV generally, I was pointed to [this paper]( which points out, for example, that adverbs can be postmodifiers of nouns ("his announcement **recently** that he would resign")....

Not consistent with other English corpora, though. I would err on the side of tagging it VERB if it can be interpreted as a verb.

Note for whoever takes this on: WordNet may be helpful here.

`advmod(can, not)`

AFAICT the rules about promotion are not really designed to deal with function words having dependents (even coordination). I think the most natural solution is to coordinate the AUXes, and...

We are having the free relative vs. interrogative content clause discussion elsewhere. For this thread let's sidestep that and use a simpler sentence: - I **can not3 and should not6**...

Yeah we should have a live discussion. One more point is that other kinds of function words can be coordinated: "Are you flying **right into or right out of** Chicago?"...

> For the first one I think `compound` is right: it's just heavy because of the coordination, so it gets extraposed to the right (it would normally be "general purpose...

compound-amod coordination only reinforces my hunch that the deprel should be simply `mod`, without distinguishing the two. :) But I can live with rightward `compound` in this narrow circumstance.