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NReco Recommender is a .NET port of Apache Mahout CF java engine (standalone, non-Hadoop version)
NReco Recommender
NReco Recommender is a .NET port of Apache Mahout Collaborative Filtering engine "Taste" (standalone, non-Hadoop version). Names of namespaces, class names and public methods are preserved but aligned with C# naming conventions.
- Official website: NReco Recommender
- MovieLens ASP.NET MVC Example
- API Reference
Copyright and License
Copyright 2013-2017 Vitalii Fedorchenko ( Parts of this code are based on Apache Mahout ("Taste") that was licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see
Free and public version of NReco Recommender is licensed under AGPL.
Buying a license is mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities distributing the NReco Recommender inside your product or deploying it on a network without disclosing the source code of your own applications under the AGPL license. These activities include:
- offering paid services to customers as an ASP
- making recommendations in the cloud or in a web application
- shipping NReco Recommender with a closed source product