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JSON serializer with support for custom Classes and more JavaScript built-in objects.
JSON serializer with support for custom Classes and more JavaScript built-in types.
npm install --save @onedeadpixel/superjson
# or
yarn add @onedeadpixel/superjson
SuperJSON has the same call signature as JSON for both SJSON.parse
and SJSON.stringify
, so it works as a direct replacement for JSON calls.
import SJSON from '@onedeadpixel/superjson'
const complexObject = {
string: 'hello world',
number: 1234,
boolean: true,
date: new Date('1995-12-04T00:00:00Z'),
maps: new Map([
[1, 'Mocha'],
[2, 'LiveScript'],
[3, 'JavaScript'],
[4, 'ECMAScript']
sets: new Set(['Mocha', 'LiveScript', 'JavaScript', 'ECMAScript']),
custom: new CustomClass({ id: 'hello' })
SJSON.stringify(complexObject, null, ' ') // =>
// {
// "string": "hello world",
// "number": 1234,
// "boolean": true,
// "date": { "__sj_type": "Date", "__sj_value": "1995-12-04T00:00:00Z" },
// "maps": {
// "__sj_type": "Map",
// "__sj_value": [[1, "Mocha"], [2, "LiveScript"], [3, "JavaScript"], [4, "ECMAScript"]]
// },
// "sets": {
// "__sj_type": "Set",
// "__sj_value": ["Mocha", "LiveScript", "JavaScript", "ECMAScript"]
// },
// "custom": { "__sj_type": "CustomClass", "__sj_value": { "id": "hello" } }
// }
Use SuperJSON for JSON
If you want to make all JSON parse and stringify calls through SuperJSON, you can replace the global JSON object with SuperJSON. This is useful for when you want other packages to use SuperJSON but the packages doesn't have direct support for SuperJSON.
// Quick Way
import '@onedeadpixel/superjson/register'
// Controlled Way
import { registerAsJSON, unregisterAsJSON } from '@onedeadpixel/superjson'
registerAsJSON() // JSON is now SJSON
unregisterAsJSON() // JSON is back to JSON
Supported Types
These types are supported out of the box by SuperJSON.
- Primitives (string, number, boolean)
- Arrays
- Plain Objects
- Date
- Set
- Map
- TypedArray (Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array)
Planned Support
While not currently supported these types are planned to be supported in the near future. If you would like to see any of these features +1 their issue so we know what to prioritize.
- Symbols (#1)
- Functions (#2)
- Buffer (#3)
- Immutable.js (#5)
If you'd like to see other built-in types or data libraries supported, please open an issue.
Planned Extensions
These are planned extensions for SuperJSON to make working with it easier and more developer friendly, see the issue for more details on each extension. If you would like to see any of these features +1 their issue so we know what to prioritize.
- Synchronize Utility (#6)
- Koa/Express Middleware (#7)
- Axios Interceptors (#8)
If you'd like to see other extensions, please open an issue.
Custom Types
Along with the core types provided by SuperJSON, you can add your own custom classes to SuperJSON for serialization. There are two way to add a custom type, first is to add toJSONValue
and fromJSONValue
methods to the class or define the functions as part of SJSON.register
Class Methods
The toJSONValue
is an instance method that should return a value that you can use to recreate the instance when the stringified version is parsed. The fromJSONValue
is a static method that takes in the results of toJSONValue
and returns the new instance.
import SJSON from '@onedeadpixel/superjson'
class Car {
static fromJSONValue(value: any) {
return new Car(value.make, value.model, value.year)
constructor(public make: string, public model: string, public year: number) {}
toJSONValue() {
return {
make: this.make,
model: this.model,
year: this.year
Register Options
The toJSONValue
option should return a value that you can use to recreate the instance when the stringified version is parsed. The fromJSONValue
option takes in the results of toJSONValue
and returns the new instance.
import SJSON from '@onedeadpixel/superjson'
class Car {
constructor(public make: string, public model: string, public year: number) {}
SJSON.register(Car, {
toJSONValue(car: Car) {
return {
make: car.make,
model: car.model,
year: car.year
fromJSONValue(value: any) {
return new Car(value.make, value.model, value.year)
Things to Watch
- SuperJSON will try to infer the name from
, but this can cause collisions, e.g. Immutable's Map would interfere with JS's Map, or be change due to obfuscators like UglifyJS or Terser. If there are issues with inferring the name you can pass the name as an option during register, e.g.SJSON.register(Immutable.Map, { name: 'Immutable#Map' })
. - Custom classes need to be registered before SuperJSON will be able to parse or stringify them.
Custom SuperJSON
By default SuperJSON will come with an out-of-the-box version with support for core JavaScript types and can be imported from import SJSON from '@onedeadpixel/superjson'
. If for some reason you need a custom version of SuperJSON you can create your own instances and customize it to better suit your needs.
import { SuperJSON, registerMap } from '@onedeadpixel/superjson'
const SJSON = new SuperJSON({
typeKey: '@myType',
valueKey: '@myValue'
registerMap(SJSON) // adds support for Map
date: new Date('1995-12-04T00:00:00Z'),
maps: new Map([
[1, 'Mocha'],
[2, 'LiveScript'],
[3, 'JavaScript'],
[4, 'ECMAScript']
' '
) // =>
// {
// "date": "1995-12-04T00:00:00Z",
// "maps": {
// "@myType": "Map",
// "@myValue": [[1, "Mocha"], [2, "LiveScript"], [3, "JavaScript"], [4, "ECMAScript"]]
// }
// }