Vasil Arnaudov
Vasil Arnaudov
Probably in the log (where you started the selendroid standalone jar ) you can see the following exception (Im referring the inspector screenshot): ``` Caused by: io.selendroid.standalone.exceptions.AndroidDeviceException: io.selendroid.standalone.exceptions.AndroidDeviceException: Device not...
Can you give more details? Is it possible the form to have a hidden input filed to prevent automation? I suppose you are referening winhttpjs.bat?
@JohanHeyvaert - I suppose you have issues with `-keep false` when zipping a content (as you are able to use `rd` command)? I will check this during the weekend.
You mean by passing the string directly or as part of a bat file?
try like this: ``` @if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then @echo off call :jsonextractor "c:\file.json" "something[0].something_else" goto :eof :jsonextractor cscript /nologo /e:JScript "%~f0" %* goto :EOF @end // end batch var...
Because of the way the hack works - the jscript code allays should be at the end. Think for the `@end // end batch` as the end of the batch...
Isn't writing a wrapper scripts an option? the zip script is not so big...
It uses platform invoke : . Which i'm not sure how can be easy described in a comments if you are not familiar with the technique. Anyway I'm planning...
If there's no user logged on windows will not create an UI session and this might be the reason. Also if you are using a system session for the scheduled...
@Warsheep-GER - thanks. I'll try to check this during the weekend.