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Now Part of Microsoft

Open woubuc opened this issue 4 years ago • 9 comments

What / Why

woubuc avatar Mar 16 '20 17:03 woubuc

This is against the brand guidelines and will not be merged. Microsoft is mentioned nowhere in the announcement; they do not want to tarnish the GitHub brand with their stink, and I imagine the NPM brand will be treated similarly.

sneak avatar Mar 16 '20 18:03 sneak

they do not want to tarnish the GitHub brand with their stink

I'm sensing some unresolved issues there. Steve Ballmer left Microsoft 6 years ago, let it go.

spartanatreyu avatar Mar 17 '20 00:03 spartanatreyu

The Snowden slides were made with PowerPoint, and Microsoft was the very first provider to start willingly giving your Hotmails and IMs to the military spies without a warrant. People haven't forgotten that.

Microsoft is an active and supportive participant in the US military's mass surveillance programs. This has nothing to do with Ballmer.

For extra credit, consider that Microsoft is also the #1 creator/distributor of proprietary, closed-source spyware (Windows 10) in the world.

sneak avatar Mar 17 '20 00:03 sneak

If you hate Microsoft so much why are you using their products? XD you should be a hero and take a stand against them by deleting your GitHub account

gc avatar Mar 17 '20 04:03 gc

I agree.

sneak avatar Mar 17 '20 05:03 sneak

You may as well stop using Android, iOS, Windows or macOS as well.

Oh, don't forget to not to use any device with an Intel or AMD chip inside.

spartanatreyu avatar Mar 17 '20 06:03 spartanatreyu

While I too have mixed feelings about the acquisition by Microsoft, let's not turn these comments into MS-bashing or whatever. There are other places for that.

This PR is nothing more than a joke addition to the list, just like there are plenty of other humorous expansions listed.

woubuc avatar Mar 17 '20 07:03 woubuc

Just as participating in society doesn't exclude you from critiquing it, someone's valid criticism of Microsoft is not nullified by their continued use of GitHub. I too would much rather npm remained independent, yet I also use vscode daily and appreciate the work of the engineers who built it.

blieque avatar Mar 24 '20 17:03 blieque

You may as well stop using Android, iOS, Windows or macOS as well.

Oh, don't forget to not to use any device with an Intel or AMD chip inside.

Time to start using a raspberry pi with linux on it. oh, and without chrome or firefox.

tiagorangel2011 avatar Jan 26 '24 15:01 tiagorangel2011