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Ansible role for configuring Nagios 4.


Before going any further, this role is designed to be run on servers that have been provisioned using the npm Nagios Role. Provision a new server using this role.

What is This?

Nagios is a pain to configure, Ansible-Nagios-Config alleviates this by:

  • providing sane default settings for hosts/services.
  • automating the generation of configuration, through a simple DSL.


  • Install librarian-ansible a tool for managing your third-party Ansible dependencies.
  • Provision a new Nagios server using ansible-nagios.
  • Set the nagios_host_groups, nagios_commands, and nagios_hosts variables described in the next section of this document.
  • Create a playbook that references the ansible-nagios-config role, and use it to deploy your configuration.


  • nagios_base_dir: the nagios installation directory. default: /usr/local/nagios
  • nagios_object_dir: the nagios object directory. default: {{nagios_base_dir}}/etc/objects
  • nagios_cfg_dir_enabled: if true, configures nagios_object_dir as a cfg_dir. default: false
  • nagios_user: id of nagios user. default: nagios
  • nagios_group: id of nagios group. default: nagios


Used to describe the hosts you would like to monitor with Nagios:

  • name: the name of the host, used to reference it in host_groups.
  • address: the actual address of the host.
  • other variables: other variables represent host_groups that the host belongs to, e.g., www, aws.
  - {name: 'www', address: '', www: true, aws: true}
  - {name: 'redis', address: '', redis: true, aws: true}


Used to organize your hosts into types of servers, e.g., web, redis, MySQL, and to describe the checks that should be applied to these groups.

  - name: 'www'
    alias: 'Web Servers'
      - {command: 'check_http_npmjs_org', description: 'Check HTTP'}
      - {command: 'check_nrpe2!check_disk_nrpe', description: 'Disk Space Left'}
  - name: 'aws'
    alias: 'AWS Servers'
  - name: 'redis'
    alias: 'Redis Server'
      - {command: 'check_nrpe2!check_disk_nrpe', description: 'Disk Space Left'}


Describe custom commands that can be used to perform host checks:

  - {name: 'check_http_npmjs_org', command: '$USER1$/check_http -H -I $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$'}
  - {name: 'check_nrpe2', command: '$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$'}