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GraphQL Java Demo based on Spring Boot Starter

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GraphQL demo service

  • GraphQL demo service
    • Introduction
    • Application
    • Run with docker
    • Example usages
    • Build and Run
      • Gradle
      • Docker
    • Test data


Execute the script to build and start the container via compose. Once started you can experiment with GraphQL via GraphQL Playground, GraphiQL or Altair



This repo contains a simple Spring Boot (2.x) service that implements GraphQL API. The implementation is based on graphql-java-tools a GraphQL java library inspired by Apollo.



The application implements GraphQL on top of JPA repositories. The application provides basic functionality to store Conferences, for a conferences a set of Talks, for each Talk a set of speakers. And for each Talk comments can be made.


The graphQL API contains queries, mutations and subscriptions. For a Conference a basic query is available. For Person and Talk a basic filtering is implemented in the query, and for Comments an experiment with pagination is available. For more details have a look at the schema

Run with docker

Pull and run the image.

docker run -d --name postgres:12 \
docker run -d --name grapql-demo -p 8080:8080 npalm/graphql-java-demo

The following endpoints are now available:

  • http://localhost:8080/graphiql - GraphQL IDE - GrahphiQL
  • http://localhost:8080/playground - GraphQL IDE - Prisma GraphQL Client
  • http://localhost:8080/altair - GraphQL IDE- Altair GraphQL Client
  • http://localhost:8080/ - A simple reacte
  • ws://localhost:8080/subscriptions

Example usages

Examples below show the usages of GraphiQL IDE. GraphQL IDE's playground and altair are enabled as well.

Once the application is running point a browser to http://localhost:8080/graphiql. Which will open the GraphQL IDE. Here you can simple enter GraphQL queries. Since GraphQL is based on a schema you have completion features and documentation directly available in the browser.

The system contains out-of-the box some basic test date. So why not start exploring by entering some queries. So let's get for all the conferences a list of talks with the speakers name.

query {
  conferences {
    talks {
      speakers {

Data can be added via mutations, so next we add "John" via a GraphQL mutation..

mutation {
  addPerson(person: {name: "John Doe"}) {

We can subscribe for new comments made on a talk via the GrapQL subscribtion API. Subscribing for an event works in the same way as query you define the data structure in which you are interested. Next we subscribe for upates on notes. Via subscriptions you can get updates via a web socket about new Notes is. So first we subscribe to the notes, enter the following query.

subscription {
  comments {
    talk {

The response should like as follow.

"Your subscription data will appear here after server publication!"

Finally make a comment via a mutation in a new browser window. Find a talkId in the result of the first query.

mutation {
  addComment(comment: {comment: "Cool", author: "Me", talkId: 12}) {

Have now a look on the subscription window, here the update should be visible.

Build and Run

Be aware that the React app is not part of this repo but linked as a GIT submodule. Either clone the repo with --recurse-submodules or after checkout run git submodule update --init --recursive to update the module.


To build the Java application just run:

./gradlew build

To run the application run, this does not contain the React app:

./gradlew bootRun

To run the React app:

cd react-web
yarn && yarn start


The Docker file build both the Java and React app to a single Jar and package the in a docker image.

Build image

docker build -t grahpql-demo .

Run the container

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 graphql-demo

Now the container should be running and you can play around with GraphQL.

Test data

During application start some test data is loaded. Test data is defined in the following files.

  • src/main/resources/csv/confrences.csv : The conferences
  • src/main/resources/csv/spakers.csv : The speakers
  • src/main/resources/csv/talks.csv : The talks, speakers and conferences can be a comma separated list between double quotes. Matching is done based on name.