Ricky Sanders
Ricky Sanders
Caused by a change the dev made to storage. Lower the item count or try different crates until one works. The large ordinance crates that missions use may work.
Pretty sure you would need to add a + modifier `_pos = [(_pos select 0)+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];` changed to `_pos = [(_pos select 0)+3*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+3*cos(_dir), (_pos...
Seems like they over limited space in the new updates. You may just have to lighten the box load. Cut it in half and see if it happens still
Check out the forums. This project is a bit dated and there are new updates on the forums.
Make sure you go to the releases section on here and get a version marked with There are some updates for the newer versions in the branches, however someone...
This must be caused by something in the newer update. Odd that it works for admins.
Can easily be modified by users in the keybindings files. Those files were created to allow customization for these types of situations.
The manager doesn't save to database. You have to select export from the menu, this will generate an sqf file to be able to use it. Sadly you currently have...
Try the new test branch updates. There are brand new code changes in there.
Did you try the new filters? They should be set up to fix that.