Epoch-Admin-Tools copied to clipboard
Dont know why my menu is not showing?
Need assistance asap. Ive followed it twice looks like theres nothing wrong!
Try this remember Epoch is current as of now. Also Epoch make sure you using the testbranch here not the master with with this test version on works great! Make sure you added your PlayerID to the config.sqf also check your RPT logs client and server for some other mods may be conflicting with admins tools scroll menu. Try putting the Admin tools references to // Epoch Admin Tools #include "admintools\dialog.hpp" On top of the other calls at the bottom of description.ext in your mission pbo other than the default what are already there. I notice there are a lot of mods that are mixing extra.rc.hpp actions with the new converted DeployAnyThing mod which has the overwrites right click actions can cause some issues.
Again remember Epoch is modular everything loads from top down. It may help you find the issue.
pls help cant find this lines--->
if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
if (_object getVariable "MalSar" == 1) exitWith {};
Have you added you're UID (Setam 64 id) to the config.sqf file? Where 12345678900000000 put you're UID that you can find here: http://steamid.co/
EAT_superAdminList = [ "12345678900000000", // You're Name