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bqloader is a simple ETL framework to load data from Cloud Storage into BigQuery.


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bqloader is a simple ETL framework to load data from Cloud Storage into BigQuery.


go get -u go.nownabe.dev/bqloader

Getting Started with Pre-configured Handlers

See the example to get a full instruction.

To load some types of CSV formats, you can use pre-configured handlers. See full list.

package myfunc

import (


var loader bqloader.BQLoader

func init() {
	loader, _ = bqloader.New()

	t := handlers.TableGenerator(os.Getenv("BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID"), os.Getenv("BIGQUERY_DATASET_ID"))
	n := &bqloader.SlackNotifier{
		Token:   os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"),
		Channel: os.Getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"),

	handlers.MustAddHandlers(context.Background(), loader,
			These build handlers to load CSVs, given four arguments:
			handler name, a pattern to file path on Cloud Storage, a BigQuery table and a notifier.
		handlers.SBISumishinNetBankStatement("SBI Bank", `^sbi_bank/`, t("sbi_bank"), n),
		handlers.SMBCCardStatement("SMBC Card", `^smbc_card/`, t("smbc_card"), n),

// BQLoad is the entrypoint for Cloud Functions.
func BQLoad(ctx context.Context, e bqloader.Event) error {
	return loader.Handle(ctx, e)

Getting Started with Custom Handlers

(See Quickstart example to get a full instruction.)

To load other CSVs, import the package go.nownabe.dev/bqloader and write your custom handler.

package myfunc

import (



var loader bqloader.BQLoader

func init() {
	loader, _ = bqloader.New()
	loader.MustAddHandler(context.Background(), newHandler())

func newHandler() *bqloader.Handler {
		This projector converts date fields formatted as "2006/01/02"
		at the first column into strings like "2006-01-02" that satisfies
		BigQuery date type.
	projector := func(_ context.Context, r []string) ([]string, error) {
		t, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02", r[0])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, xerrors.Errorf("Column 0 cannot parse as a date: %w", err)

		r[0] = t.Format("2006-01-02")

		return r, nil

	return &bqloader.Handler{
		Name:     "quickstart",                         // Handler name used in logs and notifications.
		Pattern:  regexp.MustCompile("^example_bank/"), // This handler processes files matched to this pattern.
		Encoding: japanese.ShiftJIS,                    // Source file encoding.
		Parser:   bqloader.CSVParser(),                 // Parser parses source file into records.
		Notifier: &bqloader.SlackNotifier{
			Token:   os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"),
			Channel: os.Getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"),
		Projector:       projector, // Projector transforms each row.
		SkipLeadingRows: 1,         // Skip header row.

		// Destination.
		Project: os.Getenv("BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID"),
		Dataset: os.Getenv("BIGQUERY_DATASET_ID"),
		Table:   os.Getenv("BIGQUERY_TABLE_ID"),

// BQLoad is the entrypoint for Cloud Functions.
func BQLoad(ctx context.Context, e bqloader.Event) error {
	return loader.Handle(ctx, e)

