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PHP package providing easy and fast access to Twitter API V2.

Twitter API V2 for PHP

PHP Badge Twitter Run Tests MIT Licensed last version Downloads twitter

Twitter API V2 is a PHP package which provides an easy and fast access to Twitter REST API for Version 2 endpoints.


  • Installation
  • Github Actions
  • Usage
    • Active your developer account
    • Configuration setup
    • API Functionality
      • Include the HTTP headers provided by Twitter in the response
  • Tweets endpoints
    • Timeline endpoints
      • Find Recent Mentioning for a User
      • Find Recent Tweets for a User
      • Reverse Chronological Timeline by user ID
    • Tweet/Likes endpoints
      • Tweets liked by a user
      • Users who liked a tweet
    • Tweet/Lookup endpoints
      • Search specific tweets
      • Find all replies from a Tweet
    • Tweet endpoints
      • Fetch a tweet by Id
      • Create a new Tweet
      • Upload image to Twitter (and use in Tweets)
    • Tweet/Quotes endpoints
      • Returns Quote Tweets for a Tweet specified by the requested Tweet ID
    • Retweet endpoints
      • Retweet a Tweet
    • Tweet/Replies endpoints
      • Hide a reply to a Tweet
      • Unhide a reply to a Tweet
    • Tweet/Bookmarks endpoints
      • Lookup a user's Bookmarks
  • Users endpoints
    • User/Blocks endpoints
      • Retrieve the users which you've blocked
    • User/Follows endpoints
      • Retrieve the users which are following you
      • Retrieve the users which you are following
      • Follow a user
      • Unfollow a user
    • User/Lookup endpoints
      • Find me
      • Find Twitter Users
    • User/Mutes endpoints
      • Retrieve the users which you've muted
      • Mute user by username or ID
      • Unmute user by username or ID
  • Contributing
    • To run test
    • To run code analyzer


To begin, you'll need to add the component to your composer.json

composer require noweh/twitter-api-v2-php

After adding the component, update your packages using composer update or install them using composer install.

Github Actions

This repository uses Github Actions for each push/pull request, employing PHPStan/PHPUnit.

Consequently, with each valid push, a new Tweet is posted from the Twitter test account.


Active your developer account

Before anything else, you must follow this tutorial.

  • Request approval for a developer account;
  • Once your developer account is approved, you will need to create a Project;
  • Enable read/write access for your Twitter app;
  • Generate Consumer Keys and Authentication Tokens;
  • Retrieve your Keys and Tokens from the Twitter Developer portal.

Configuration setup

Expected settings are as follows:

use Noweh\TwitterApi\Client;

$settings['free_mode'] = false; // Optional

$client = new Client($settings);

API Functionality

All API calls are triggered when the performRequest() method is invoked. Depending on the context, this method can either be empty or contain data that will be sent as PostData (refer to examples of each call below).

Include the HTTP headers provided by Twitter in the response

The performRequest() method accepts a second parameter, $withHeaders, which is a boolean value. Setting this parameter to true will include the headers information in the response.

Here are some examples of information included in headers:

  • x-rate-limit-limit: the rate limit ceiling for that given endpoint
  • x-rate-limit-remaining: the number of requests left for the 15-minute window
  • x-rate-limit-reset: the remaining window before the rate limit resets, in UTC epoch seconds


$response = $this->client->tweet()->create()
        'text' => 'Test Tweet... '
    withHeaders: true)

object(stdClass)#399 (2) {
    object(stdClass)#398 (3) {
        array(1) {
            string(19) "1690304934837637121"
        string(19) "1690304934837637121"
        string(39) "Test Tweet..."
        array(1) {
            string(5) "40000"
        array(1) {
            string(10) "1691835953"
        array(1) {
            string(5) "39998"

Free mode

This API can be used in free mode, which allows for a limited usage of the API. In this mode, the Find me method is the only one that can be used. You have to set the free_mode parameter to true when creating the client.


$settings['free_mode'] = true;
$client = new Client($settings);

Tweets endpoints

Timeline endpoints

Find Recent Mentioning for a User


$return = $client->timeline()->getRecentMentions($accountId)->performRequest();

Find Recent Tweets for a User


$return = $client->timeline()->getRecentTweets($accountId)->performRequest();

Reverse Chronological Timeline by user ID


$return = $client->timeline()->getReverseChronological()->performRequest();

Tweet/Likes endpoints

Tweets liked by a user


$return = $client->tweetLikes()->addMaxResults($pageSize)->getLikedTweets($accountId)->performRequest();

Users who liked a tweet


$return = $client->tweetLikes()->addMaxResults($pageSize)->getUsersWhoLiked($tweetId)->performRequest();

Tweet/Lookup endpoints

Search specific tweets


$return = $client->tweetLookup()
    ], \Noweh\TwitterApi\TweetLookup::OPERATORS['OR'])
    ], \Noweh\TwitterApi\TweetLookup::OPERATORS['AND'])
    ->addFilterOnLocales(['fr', 'en'])


Find all replies from a Tweet


Tweet endpoints

Fetch a tweet by Id


$return = $client->tweet()->->fetch(1622477565565739010)->performRequest();

Create a new Tweet


$return = $client->tweet()->create()->performRequest(['text' => 'Test Tweet... ']);

Upload image to Twitter (and use in Tweets)


$file_data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($file));
$media_info = $client->uploadMedia()->upload($file_data);
$return = $client->tweet()->create()
        'text' => 'Test Tweet... ', 
        "media" => [
            "media_ids" => [

Tweet/Quotes endpoints

Returns Quote Tweets for a Tweet specified by the requested Tweet ID


$return = $client->tweetQuotes()->getQuoteTweets($tweetId)->performRequest();

Retweet endpoints

Retweet a Tweet


$return = $client->retweet()->performRequest(['tweet_id' => $tweet_id]);

Tweet/Replies endpoints

Hide a reply to a Tweet


$return = $client->->tweetReplies()->hideReply($tweetId)->performRequest(['hidden' => true]);

Unhide a reply to a Tweet


$return = $client->->tweetReplies()->hideReply($tweetId)->performRequest(['hidden' => false]);

Tweet/Bookmarks endpoints

Lookup a user's Bookmarks


$return = $client->tweetBookmarks()->lookup()->performRequest();

Users endpoints

User/Blocks endpoints

Retrieve the users which you've blocked


$return = $client->userBlocks()->lookup()->performRequest();

User/Follows endpoints

Retrieve the users which are following you


$return = $client->userFollows()->getFollowers()->performRequest();

Retrieve the users which you are following


$return = $client->userFollows()->getFollowing()->performRequest();

Follow a user


$return = $client->userFollows()->follow()->performRequest(['target_user_id' => $userId]);

Unfollow a user


$return = $client->userFollows()->unfollow($userId)->performRequest(['target_user_id' => self::$userId]);

User/Lookup endpoints

Find Me


$return = $client->userMeLookup()->performRequest();

Find Twitter Users

findByIdOrUsername() expects either an array, or a string.

You can specify the search mode as a second parameter (Client::MODES['USERNAME'] OR Client::MODES['ID'])


$return = $client->userLookup()
    ->findByIdOrUsername('twitterdev', \Noweh\TwitterApi\UserLookup::MODES['USERNAME'])

User/Mutes endpoints

Retrieve the users which you've muted


$return = $client->userMutes()->lookup()->performRequest();

Mute user by username or ID


$return = $client->userMutes()->mute()->performRequest(['target_user_id' => $userId]);

Unmute user by username or ID


$return = $client->userMutes()->unmute()->performRequest(['target_user_id' => $userId]);


Fork/download the code and run

composer install

copy test/config/.env.example to test/config/.env and add your credentials for testing.

To run tests


To run code analyzer

./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse .