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Notification content parsing issue
📜 Description
Send notification with html tags
👟 Reproduction steps
- Trigger notification with variable which contains Html tags in it.
- Use that vaiable as notification content in Novu's Admin control pannel.
- Content will be tiggered to user but with parsed html variable.
👍 Expected behavior
It should not parse Html tags or there should be an option to disable parse for certain notification content.
👎 Actual Behavior with Screenshots
Parsing Html tage to Hex code.
💻 Operating system
🤖 Node Version
📃 Provide any additional context for the Bug.
On trigger with payload
{ message:"<b>Novu</b> says hello!!" }
and using notification content as {{message}}
<b>Novu</b> says hello!!!
👀 Have you spent some time to check if this bug has been raised before?
- [X] I checked and didn't find similar issue
🏢 Have you read the Contributing Guidelines?
- [X] I have read the Contributing Guidelines
Are you willing to submit PR?
No response
A small question, @singhgulshan did you try using triple curly braces here? {{{message}}}
this should also render HTML internally. a double curly brace will escape the HTML content.
Closing now due to inactivity, as a general solution of using with triple curly braces for rendering HTML content.