color-palette-wasm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
color-palette-wasm copied to clipboard

Color Palette using WASM and K-Means

Color Palette using WASM and K-Means


Demo of the color palette finder


  • Image is resized to maximum width of 1024 pixels
  • The number of colors corresponds to the number of clusters in k-means
  • K-means runs for 10 iterations or exits if less than 1% of pixels changed clusters
  • Cluster centers (means) are the actual colors that are drawn
  • You can hover over the colors to see which pixels belong to that cluster


  • main.c contains the k-means algorithm
  • js/index.js sets up the web app and runs the wasm code
  • colors.js and colors.wasm are the outputs from Emscripten

Compiling the C code

Before compiling you need to have Emscripten installed.

emcc main.c -O3 -o colors.js -s WASM=1 -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_kmeans_from_js']" -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1


  • ~~Move the k-means calculation to a WebWorker~~
  • Use k-means++ for initial centers