websockify copied to clipboard
Relative paths doesn't work
Websockify is unable to find files when given a relative path, say,
./run --token-plugin TokenFile --token-source tokens.list --web ../../ 6080 --verbose
Gives a error:
handler exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'tokens.list' exception
Whereas the file exists in the same folder.
However, while giving absolute path like:
./run --token-plugin TokenFile --token-source /mnt/c/Users/Srajan/Downloads/noVNC-1.2.0/noVNC-1.2.0/utils/websockify/tokens.list --web ../../ 6080 --verbose
The tokens get resolved successfully.
I have checked this for bash on windows.
You sure this is Windows specific, @samhed?
Yes, specifying a relative path as token source works on Linux