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ExpectOrigin as a cmdline option
Imho ExpectOrigin should not be an authentication method but an option one can pass on the command line.
It adds another obstacle for a malicious user to overcome but should not be relied upon for authentication because Origin can be spoofed.
websockify is more of a testing tool than a production ready system, so any authentication should be taken with some caution.
I don't think we should remove this, but we could put some comment on it about risks.
Origin can be spoofed by a malicious program, but not by a webpage. This distinction is relevant to mitigating the following scenario:
- The websockify server lives behind a firewall; it is not publicly accessible.
- The user password for the service behind websockify (e.g. novnc) is compromised by an attacker.
- The user of a computer on the private LAN opens a webpage controlled by the attacker. Now the attacker's page can connect to the websockified service if Origin has not been checked, and will authenticate.
The risks of operating websockify on a LAN without ExpectOrigin should not be understated. Obviously unsandboxed malware on the LAN can spoof Origin regardless, but this requires a browser exploit in the scenario described.