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A curated list of resources about Nym
A curated list of resources about Nym besides the official docs.
To add your tools or resources, just do a PR on the repository
- :electric_plug:NymConnect
- 🧭Explorers
- 🇬🇧English
- 🇫🇷Français
- 🎟️Grants
- Tools
- 🗺️Communities
To contribute, file a PR. Please list items alphabetically.
- P2P chat client - Nymgraph
- Chat webapp
Darkfi - Running over Nym
Ethereum RPC mixer
Ethereum transaction submitter using Nym
- Mixnet speed dashboard
- Mixnodes telegram monitoring bot - Nodes.Guru
NymSocketManager - a golang module to facilitate the communication with the Mixnet
- Is Nym mixnet up
Pastenym - anon text sharing service
:electric_plug: NymConnect
- Access to Novaya Gazeta through Nym’s mixnet
- Buying Alephium tokens through Nym’s mixnet
- Have a good time on Pornhub through the mixnet
- Use Blockstream Green through Nym’s mixnet
- Using Alephium’s wallet through Nym’s mixnet
- Using Electrum through Nym’s mixnet
- Using Keybase through the Nym mixnet
- Trading on Uniswap via NymConnect
- Access to Meduza through Nym’s mixnet
- Access & interact with a DAO through NymConnect
- Access to through Nym’s mixnet
:gb: English
- Transfer your NYM ERC20 to the Nym wallet
- 📺Staking in Nym
- Staking guide (including bridging) - Nodes.Guru
- Mixnode setup guide - Nodes.Guru
- Add NYX chain to Keplr - Nodes.Guru
- Buy NYM without KYC with NYM Wallet
- Using Electrum through Nym’s mixnet
- Using Blockstream Green through Nym’s mixnet
- Using Keybase through the Nym mixnet
:fr: Français
- Acheter des NYM sans KYC avec Nym Wallet
- Transférer ses NYM ERC20 sur le wallet Nym
- Utiliser Electrum à travers le réseau mixnet de Nym
- Utiliser Blockstream Green à travers le réseau mixnet de Nym
- Utiliser Keybase à travers le réseau mixnet de Nym
:ru: Russian
- Mixnet video staking tutorial - Nodes.Guru
- Staking guide (including bridging) - Nodes.Guru
- Mixnode setup guide - Nodes.Guru