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Execute Scrapy spiders in a Flask web application
WSGI and Scrapy
A common question on Scrapy Stackoverflow is "How to use Scrapy with Flask, Django, or any other Python web framework?"
Most are used to using the Scrapy's generated projects and cli options, which make crawling a breeze, but are confused when trying to integrate Scrapy into a WSGI web framework.
A common traceback encountered is ReactorNotRestartable
, which stems from the underlaying Twisted framework.
This occurs because, unlike asyncio or Tornado, Twisted's eventloop/reactor cannot be restarted once stopped (the reason is a bit out of scope).
So it becomes apparent that the trick to integrating Scrapy and WSGI frameworks involves being able to tame Twisted.
Luckily, integrating async Twisted code with synchronous code has become quite easy and is only getting easier.
In this post, the following will be demonstrated:
- Embed a crawler in a WSGI app and run it using Twisted's
twist web
WSGI server. - Embed a crawler in a WSGI app and run it any WSGI server (example:
, orhendrix
- Python 2.7+
- Twisted 17+
- Scrapy 1.4+
- Crochet 1.90+
- Any WSGI compatible web framework (Flask, Django, Bottle, etc)
Optional Requirements - The following packages are used in the examples below, but any WSGI compatible framework and WSGI server are sufficient.
- Flask
- Gunicorn
Git Repo
To make life easy, a git repository has been created to provide all the code that will be discussed.
git clone
Quote Spider
Let's setup a quick project structure.
This will be a bit different from those accustomed to a traditional Scrapy project structure, but not by much.
First, let's create a file (
) that will hold a spider that scrapes
import re
import scrapy
class QuoteSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'quote'
start_urls = ['']
quotation_mark_pattern = re.compile(r'“|”')
def parse(self, response):
quotes = response.xpath('//div[@class="quote"]')
for quote in quotes:
# extract quote
quote_text = quote.xpath('.//span[@class="text"]/text()').extract_first()
quote_text = self.quotation_mark_pattern.sub('', quote_text)
# extract author
author = quote.xpath('.//span//small[@class="author"]/text()').extract_first()
# extract tags
tags = []
for tag in quote.xpath('.//div[@class="tags"]//a[@class="tag"]/text()'):
# append to list
# NOTE: quotes_list is passed as a keyword arg in the Flask app
'quote': quote_text,
'author': author,
'tags': tags})
# if there's next page, scrape it next
next_page = response.xpath('//nav//ul//li[@class="next"]//@href').extract_first()
if next_page is not None:
yield response.follow(next_page)
A quick summary of what this spider does: Scrape, extract the quote, author, and tags into a dict (self.quotes_list
) then scrape the next page, if one is available.
For those wondering where self.quotes_list
came from, it's a keyword arg that gets passed into the spider object (this will be discussed further when a WSGI app is created).
Commonly, stats would be stored in a database, but for demonstration purposes, I'll show you a clever way to use the properties of a list/dict to store values.
will simply be a list that contains relevant data that we will later JSON-ify and return to the end user.
WSGI Web App
Let's embed CrawlerRunner
to run the QuoteSpider
, created in the previous section, within a Flask application (you can use Django, Bottle, Cherrypy, etc. Flask is just very common).
Let's create two endpoints, /crawl
to actually scrape and /results
that will provide the results of the scrape.
import json
from flask import Flask
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerRunner
from quote_scraper import QuoteSpider
app = Flask('Scrape With Flask')
crawl_runner = CrawlerRunner() # requires the Twisted reactor to run
quotes_list = [] # store quotes
scrape_in_progress = False
scrape_complete = False
def crawl_for_quotes():
Scrape for quotes
global scrape_in_progress
global scrape_complete
if not scrape_in_progress:
scrape_in_progress = True
global quotes_list
# start the crawler and execute a callback when complete
eventual = crawl_runner.crawl(QuoteSpider, quotes_list=quotes_list)
return 'SCRAPING'
elif scrape_complete:
def get_results():
Get the results only if a spider has results
global scrape_complete
if scrape_complete:
return json.dumps(quotes_list)
return 'Scrape Still Progress'
def finished_scrape(null):
A callback that is fired after the scrape has completed.
Set a flag to allow display the results from /results
global scrape_complete
scrape_complete = True
if __name__=='__main__':
from sys import stdout
from twisted.logger import globalLogBeginner, textFileLogObserver
from twisted.web import server, wsgi
from twisted.internet import endpoints, reactor
# start the logger
# start the WSGI server
root_resource = wsgi.WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), app)
factory = server.Site(root_resource)
http_server = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 9000)
# start event loop
If you were to run this script, a Twisted WSGI server will start and serve the app on http://localhost:9000
For lack of better words, Flask is running within Twisted.
Let's step through the crawl_for_quotes
If no scraping is taking place, then a crawler is run.
As mentioned before, we're using CrawlRunner
which allows for spiders to be executed within a Twisted application.
returns a Twisted Deferred
which just means that it will "eventually" have a result.
A callback is appended to eventual
which will set the scrape_complete
flag once the scraping is done.
Twisted's WSGI Server
For the "pro" users and Twisted BDFL's out there, you can use twist
to easily spin up WSGI applications with minimal command:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) twist web --wsgi --port tcp:9000:interface=
If this is strange to you or doesn't work, then don't stress it and just run
from the git repo.
I've provided this for anyone that may want an alternative to running the script directly.
Use Any WSGI Server
Most will want to deploy using a WSGI server like Gunicorn, and for those people
will not work because Twisted needs to be running within the same thread.
Fortunately, there's a great project called crochet
that allows Twisted code to run in a non-async code base.
Without dwelling too much how crochet
works, let's create a new
import crochet
crochet.setup() # initialize crochet
import json
from flask import Flask
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerRunner
from quote_scraper import QuoteSpider
app = Flask('Scrape With Flask')
crawl_runner = CrawlerRunner() # requires the Twisted reactor to run
quotes_list = [] # store quotes
scrape_in_progress = False
scrape_complete = False
def crawl_for_quotes():
Scrape for quotes
global scrape_in_progress
global scrape_complete
if not scrape_in_progress:
scrape_in_progress = True
global quotes_list
# start the crawler and execute a callback when complete
return 'SCRAPING'
elif scrape_complete:
def get_results():
Get the results only if a spider has results
global scrape_complete
if scrape_complete:
return json.dumps(quotes_list)
return 'Scrape Still Progress'
def scrape_with_crochet(_list):
eventual = crawl_runner.crawl(QuoteSpider, quotes_list=_list)
def finished_scrape(null):
A callback that is fired after the scrape has completed.
Set a flag to allow display the results from /results
global scrape_complete
scrape_complete = True
if __name__=='__main__':'', 9000)
needs to setup the ideal environment in order to work, so one of the first things developers must do is crochet.setup()
Each function that needs to be run in a Twisted thread must be wrapped with @crochet.run_in_reactor
So the difference between
is that CrawlerRunner
is executed in a Twisted thread.
And although the example doesn't demonstrate this, the crawler can indeed run multiple times, essentially side skirting the ReactorNotRestartable
Without further ado (adieu?), how to run this script in Gunicorn:
gunicorn -b flask_crochet:app
Test Endpoints
Initiate scrape
# output: SCRAPING
Trying to scrape again without completing the first scrape
Server letting you know the scrape is complete
Getting the results
Getting pretty results using Python's json.tool
curl | python -m json.tool | less
Final Words and Caution
There are many other options to solve the issue of using Scrapy/Twisted and WSGI apps.
This is merely a solution that has worked for me in the past.
It's very simple and easy to get a grasp on.
However, things can quickly get chaotic when threads get involved.
Developers will have to worry about shared variables, critical sections, locks, spawning too many threads, debugging, and a plethora of other nuisances.
Hence why the examples are very basic.
Multithreaded code is difficult, which is why a Mozilla engineer mandates a height restriction.
I'm planning to demonstrate how to achieve similar results in a single thread using klein
and tornado
in the future, so stay tuned!