obsidian-codemirror-options copied to clipboard
Transclusion in Admonition
I have an Admonition with some text. Below the text I have a transclusion of a paragraph that is somewhere lower in the same note. So, it looks like this:
my text
![[#^id number]]
In CodeMirror Options I have enabled “Render embeds”, but in Edit mode the embed does not render; it does in Preview.
Do you have the Render Code Blocks and Render Admonitions settings enabled? If that doesn't help, try turning off Syntax Highlighting within the Admonitions plugin.
Yes, I have Render Code Blocks and Render Admonitions settings enabled, and I never turn on Syntax Highlighting within the Admonitions plugin.
Since I opened this issue I switched to Live Preview, and CodeMirror Options is not yet CM6 compatible, I believe. If that is so, then this issue can be closed because it would not work before CMO is CM6-compatible, which hopefully will happen soon.