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skeet scope
can someone spoonfeed me simple scope lines please?
can someone spoonfeed me simple scope lines please?
maybe learn some imgui and some c++ then start working by your own
Jannes Moment
can someone spoonfeed me simple scope lines please?
maybe learn some imgui and some c++ then start working by your own
what does drawing lines on the screen has to do with imgui? tf?
can someone spoonfeed me simple scope lines please?
maybe learn some imgui and some c++ then start working by your own
what does drawing lines on the screen has to do with imgui? tf?
thats how i made my scope
BRUH are you serious? do you even have iq? you dont do that with imgui xD
BRUH are you serious? do you even have iq? you dont do that with imgui xD
prove me wrong
If you have ImGui implemented do like @JannesBonk did. If you dont have ImGui implemented (like me) use DirectX to render:
void CRender::rect_gradient(gradient_t type, color_t start, color_t end, float x, float y, float w, float h)
vertex_t vertice[4] =
vertex_t(x, y, 1.0f, start),
vertex_t(x + w, y, 1.0f, type == gradient_t::VERTICAL ? start : end),
vertex_t(x, y + h, 1.0f, type == gradient_t::VERTICAL ? end : start),
vertex_t(x + w, y + h, 1.0f, end),
m_device->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, &vertice, sizeof(vertex_t));
The logic is left to the user to understand on how to draw. Tip: g_csgo.m_engine->get_screen_size(&width, &height)