egui-miniquad copied to clipboard
Double-click issue
For some reason, when running app on macOs or Android it is required to use double-click when using egui buttons, slider, combo-boxes or etc. But this is not happening all the time, but only time to time, so it is really strange why it can be happening.
Does anybody else is also facing this issue?
Sorry, double-checked the issue is happening only for MacOs. When building the apk for Android everything works fine, but yeah for MacOs the issue is still actual
I have a similar issue on macOS. One thing I noticed is if I focus to another window and back to my program, the problem gets fixed. I couldn't reproduce the issue in the examples though. Does your program have any asynchronous features of Rust?
I can reproduce it on Mac with
use macroquad::prelude::*;
#[macroquad::main("egui with macroquad")]
async fn main() {
loop {
egui_macroquad::ui(|egui_ctx| {
egui::Window::new("Issue #50").show(egui_ctx, |ui| {
if ui.button("Click").clicked() {
egui = "0.19.1"
egui-macroquad = "0.12.0"
macroquad = "0.3.24"