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Adding saucenao tags for deleted pixiv images
Even when an image is gone from pixiv, saucenao often has useful information in its results.
Here's a result from saucenao (this example image does exist on pixiv but the result info on saucenao is the same):
<div class="resultmatchinfo">
<div class="resultsimilarityinfo">94.19%
<div class="resultmiscinfo">
<div class="resultcontent">
<div class="resulttitle">
<strong>ç¡é¡</strong> <-- title tag
<div class="resultcontentcolumn">
<strong>Pixiv ID: </strong>
<a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=95277212" <-- illust_id is the "pixiv work" tag in Hydrus
<span style="padding-left:10px;">
<a href="https://saucenao.com/info.php?lookup_type=0&db=5&id=95277212">
<img src="/images/static/saucenao_info.png" width="10px" height="10px"></a>
<a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=76820897" class="linkify">èè²says hi</a> <-- id is the "pixiv id" tag in Hydrus, the user's immutable pixiv id, and the inner text is the creator tag
<span style="padding-left:10px;">
<a href="https://saucenao.com/info.php?lookup_type=1&db=5&id=76820897">
<img src="/images/static/saucenao_info.png" width="10px" height="10px"></a>
So even if the image is deleted we could still get these tags for Hydrus:
title:ç¡é¡ creator:èè²says hi pixiv id:76820897 pixiv work:95277212
The immutable pixiv id is useful because pixiv users have had a tendency to change names for events such as cons.
As far as I can tell, Hatate doesn't do anything with these results to make tags out of them if the image was deleted from pixiv. Can we get these tags?
Those tags could definitely be useful, I'll see what I can do with them for the next release.
Thanks. Saucenao also sometimes has similar information from DA and Nijie.
With the last release some tags will now be retrieved from SauceNAO results. I'm already thinking about obtaining more tags for the next release, but I think it's a good start.