Android-Universal-Image-Loader copied to clipboard
Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
Device: MotoG Android Lollipop 5.0.2 I'm using this code. ``` java ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(ImageDownloader.Scheme.FILE.wrap(uri.toString()), iv, options); ``` It will show images from the camera URI: `file:///storage/emulated/0/Pictures/PhotoJoiner-TempFiles/IMG_20150529_202814.jpg` But not from Gallery URI: `content://media/external/images/media/121516`...
Hi, I use this engine. When I try to load a big image from sdcard. I find it too slow, i suggestion about optimizing "private Bitmap tryLoadBitmap() throws TaskCancelledException{....}". Thank...
I am using universal-image-loader-1.9.5. I am using UIL to get thumbnails of videos for my gallery app. Here is my UIL DisplayImageOptions and ImageLoaderConfiguration code. ``` DisplayImageOptions defaultOptions = new...
I want to clear image in imageview. For example when an activity destroyed or when in recyclerview in OnRecycled method. Glide has a clear method but I could't find the...
I have been having problems with the library since i turned multidexEnabled = true Could not find class 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader.cache.memory.impl.FuzzyKeyMemoryCache' unable to resolve new-instance 7567 (Lcom/nostra13/universalimageloader/core/ImageLoaderConfiguration$NetworkDeniedImageDownloader;) in Lcom/nostra13/universalimageloader/core/ImageLoaderConfiguration;
Things like Facebook Images have header cache ages. It would be cool if this library automatically handled it much like does on iOS.
I am using UIL for loading image from local and internet, both were working very well. Here is the code i am using: // display local image from gallery ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(ImageDownloader.Scheme.FILE.wrap(path),...
I'm not sure if this is expected to happen: Input a square image 640x640px then load sync with ImageSize 200x200 and getting a 199x199 image. Setting ImageSize to 300x300 gives...
I'm trying to preload all needed images for offline using a service. I simply call load image. It works for most of images, nevertheless, sometimes I have a log: `D/ImageLoader﹕...
is it possible to svg file as image in android imageview using UIL ?