Dima Bardakov
Dima Bardakov
This nice library helps me to register a polymorphic tree of (with string discriminator property `Type` and "unlimited" nested steps that implements the same `IStep` interface). During deserialization of such...
events are split into batches, each batch in a loop is wrapped in transaction and persisted: https://github.com/Eveneum/Eveneum/blob/e353061e1ec59164df38dcf44809784e88ca3872/Eveneum/EventStore.cs#L175 But ~if~ when something goes wrong between batch writes, i.e. host dies, network...
Case: I'd like to use convenient (same) serializer for both writing and reading events. Writing: `Eveneum` EventStore. Reading: Changes ("new" events) coming from Event Feed and consumed **in Azure Function**....
- Replaced hardcoded declaration of columns for car table with the dynamic one - Added type to describe a column
Before opening an issue please [read this](https://github.com/geeklearningio/gl-vsts-tasks-file-patch/wiki/How-to-Report-an-issue). # Are you reporting a bug or a feature request ? * [ ] Bug * [x] Feature request # Description When JSON...
https://github.com/ardalis/CleanArchitecture/blob/21f13a87c57ee46d2f2c1ed4ca7ff9a043a6bd1f/tests/Clean.Architecture.UnitTests/Core/ProjectAggregate/ProjectConstructor.cs#LL42C5-L42C5 The test name doesn't correspond to the assumption. I'm not sure, wether it supposed to be in progress or completed when the list of todos is empty, @ardalis ?
`>dotnet add package QSwagGenerator` for an `Asp.Net Core 2.1` xUnit test project results in the following output: ```q info : Adding PackageReference for package 'QSwagGenerator' into project 'D:\MyTests.csproj'. log :...