capec has been parsed in #212
Lab items: the "LabItem" thing here https://github.com/blabla1337/skf-flask/blob/main/skf/initial_data.py Knowledge base items: ChecklistKB code is the md files here https://github.com/blabla1337/skf-flask/blob/main/skf/markdown/code_examples/web/django-needs-reviewing/11-code_example--X_XSS_Protection_header--.md and knowldge base is the md files here https://github.com/blabla1337/skf-flask/blob/main/skf/markdown/knowledge_base/web/10002-knowledge_base--XSS_injection--.md
problem: known good state needs to be a heroku backup, it cannot be a local sqlite situation. ideally local dev would also be a postgresql container, this would make data...
wouldn't it better if people opened github issues or reached out via slack instead? emailing info@ doesn't allow for searchable questions and we can end up answering the same things...
TODO: @northdpole , add documentation on how to setup a gspread oauth token so that the backend can generate the spreadsheet.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58734306/dynamically-linking-to-databases-using-flask-sqlalchemy https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7923966/flask-sqlalchemy-with-dynamic-database-connections