ObjectEncoder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ObjectEncoder copied to clipboard

Swift Encoders implementation using `[String: Any]`, `[Any]` or `Any` as payload.

ObjectEncoder for Swift

MIT License SwiftPM xcodebuild pod lib lint Nightly codecov

SE-0167 Swift Encoders implementation using [String: Any], [Any] or Any as payload.


import Foundation
import ObjectEncoder

// single value
let string = "Hello, ObjectEncoder"
let encodedString = try ObjectEncoder().encode(string)
(encodedString as AnyObject).isEqual(to: string) // true
let decodedString = try ObjectDecoder().decode(String.self, from: encodedString)

// dictionary
struct S: Codable { let p1: String }
let s = S(p1: "string")
guard let encodedS = try ObjectEncoder().encode(s) as? [String: Any] else { fatalError() }
encodedS["p1"] // "string"
let decodedS = try ObjectDecoder().decode(S.self, from: encodedS)
decodedS.p1 // "string"

// array
let array: [S] = [s, s]
guard let encoded = try ObjectEncoder().encode(array) as? [[String: Any]] else { fatalError() }
encoded[0]["p1"] // "string"
let decoded = try ObjectDecoder().decode([S].self, from: encoded)
decoded[0].p1   // "string"


  • Swift 4.1+


Norio Nomura


ObjectEncoder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.