SwiftFilePath icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwiftFilePath copied to clipboard

Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.


CI Status Carthage Compatibility Version License Platform

Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.


Create instance

You can create Path object from String.

let fooDir = Path("/path/to/fooDir")

// You can re obtain String by calling toString.
fooDir.toString() // "/path/to/fooDir"

Get accessible Path from App by factory methods.

// "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>"

// "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>/Documents"

// "var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>/Library/Caches"

// "var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>/Library/tmp"

Access to other directories and files

//  Get Path that indicate foo.txt file in Documents dir
let textFilePath = Path.documentsDir["foo.txt"]
textFilePath.toString() //  "~/Documents/foo.txt"

//  You can access subdir.
let jsonFilePath = Path.documentsDir["subdir"]["bar.json"]
jsonFilePath.toString() //  "~/Documents/subdir/bar.json"

// Access to parent Path.
jsonFilePath.parent.toString() // "~/Documents/subdir"
jsonFilePath.parent.parent.toString() // "~/Documents"
jsonFilePath.parent.parent.parent.toString() // "~/"
let contents = Path.homeDir.contents!
//  Get dir contents as Path object.
// [
//    Path<~/.com.apple.mobile_container_manager.metadata.plist>, 
//    Path<~/Documents>,
//    Path<~/Library>, 
//    Path<~/tmp>,
// ]

// Or you can use dir as iterator
for content:Path in Path.homeDir { 

Access to file infomation

Check if path is dir or not.

Path.homeDir.isDir // true
Path.homeDir["hoge.txt"].isDir //false

Check if path is exists or not.

// homeDir is exists
Path.homeDir.exists // true

// Is there foo.txt in homeDir ?

// Is there foo.txt in myDir ?

You can get basename of file.

Path.homedir["myDir"]["bar.txt"].basename // bar.txt

You can get file extension.

//  Get all *json files in Documents dir.
let allFiles  = Path.documentsDir.contents!
let jsonFiles = allFiles.filter({$0.ext == "json" })

You can get more attributes of file.

let jsonFile = Path.documentsDir["foo.json"]
jsonFile.attributes!.fileCreationDate()! // 2015-01-11 11:30:11 +0000
jsonFile.attributes!.fileModificationDate()! // 2015-01-11 11:30:11 +0000
jsonFile.attributes!.fileSize() // 2341

File operation

Create ( or delete ) dir and files.

// Create "foo" dir in Documents.
let fooDir = Path.documentsDir["foo"]

//  Create empty file "hoge.txt" in "foo" dir.
let hogeFile = fooDir["hoge.txt"]

// Delete foo dir

Copy ( or move ) file.

let fooFile = Path.documentsDir["foo.txt"]
let destination = Path.tmpDir["foo.txt"]
fooFile.copyTo( destination )

Write ( or read ) string data.

// Write string.
let textFile = Path.documentsDir["hello.txt"]

// Read string.
let text = textFile.readString()! // HelloSwift

Write ( or read ) binary data.

//  Write binary data.
let binFile = Path.documentsDir["foo.bin"]
binFile.writeData( NSData()  )

// Read  binary data.
let data = binFile.readData()!

Error handling

touch/remove/copyTo/writeTo/mkdir returns Result as Enum.

If operation is success, Result has value property. If operation is failure,Result has error property.

let result = Path.documentsDir["subdir"].mkdir()
if( result.isSuccess ){ 
    println( result.value! ) 
if( result.isFailure ){ 
    println( result.error! ) 

Or you can write by closure style. ( You use this style, you don't need to unwrap optional value )

    .onSuccess({ (value:Path) in 
        println( value )
    .onFailure({ (error:NSError) in 
        println( error )



To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod  'SwiftFilePath',

( Currently, to install the framework via CocoaPods you need to use pre-release version.)


To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "nori0620/SwiftFilePath"


SwiftPathClass is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.