yeah seeing this in Edge (Chromium) also
Seems you have to edit all in one go or lose layout on the next edit
Hey, I think I have a workaround. Basically, after a while, it seems to fix itself. So make changes, hit save several times until what you saved shows up. From...
So why don't you do it since I'm not paid to fix your problems. You are expecting my to tax my limited executive function to make up for your laziness...
It's definately the plugin as when i point to your site it stops, but when i point to mine is errors out. funny thing is it started working again yesterday...
I just think if your going to use a plugin then may as well use one that enables a more generic feature that will benefit the site more. Right now...
Idealy not needing a plugin would be where we should be at to enable others that are not self hosted to use the kit. I think this guy i have...
Hi Chris, have/will you submit the fixes that we found? It looks like a few peeps are seeing this issue.
there is a limit to the post size i believe. We solved this with a code change i think that Chris made. It should be in the GITHub. --- From:...
you'd need a web service that polls the blog for new posts then pushes the notification to the phone. I have no problem with installing a web service, it could...