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Suggestion for I18N for context menus
To simplify internationalization of context menus I added a method to
public static Properties readProperties(String name, Locale locale)
In contrast public static Properties readProperties(String name) this method
takes an additional Locale parameter used for overriding properties of the
default properties file with properties from a language specific file. The
method reads the properties as follows:
- 1st it reads properties from the default file (<name>.properties)
- 2nd it reads properties from language specific file
(<name>_<lang>.properties, where <lang> is language of Locale parameter) and
merges them with properties of step 1
- 3rd it reads properties from language/country specific file
(<name>_<lang>_<country>.properties, where <country> is country of Locale
parameter) and merges them with properties read in previous steps
If you want to have configurations for multiple languages, most of
configuration is identical for all langauges (e.g. classnames for action
classes, logical structure of menu).
Usually I'd expect that only ToolTip and MenuText would have to be different
for each language.
Using this method, you could have one general configuration file which includes
all properties, including menu text and tooltips for the default language.
For other languages you would only need to define those properties which differ
from the default, i.e. MenuText, ToolTip...
For example you could have
- config.properties which includes the complete configuration for English GUI
- config_de.properties which only includes German .MenuText and .ToolTip entries
- config_de_CH.properties which consists only of specific overrides for
Switzerland (as Swiss German has different spelling for some words)
I also changed DefaultSyntaxKit.loadConfig to use this new method, so that
automatically the default locale is used.
That way, a developer could use JSyntaxPane "out of the box" and to support new
localization for the menus he'd only have to provide the _<lang>.properties
variant of the configuration somewhere in his project.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by [email protected]
on 8 Jul 2010 at 7:41
Sounds great.
I'll have a look at put in trunk as soon as i have a chance.
Do you have sample Locale changes?
And of course, a legal note, that all of the changes are under the Apache
Licence yada yada... :-)
Original comment by [email protected]
on 8 Jul 2010 at 1:12
- Changed state: Accepted
Legal note: All the changes I provide here are under the Apache Licence
(Do you need anything else or is that good enough?)
I tested a bit further and found (and fixed) 3 small problems with my first
1.) Encoding of localized configuration: Previously the default platform
encoding was used which differs (e.g. CP1252 on German Windows, UTF-8 on most
Linux system etc.). I made yet another small change to JarServiceProvider to
always use UTF-8 (which shouldn't make any difference to the existing English
2.) Popup menu which contains submenu (e.g. "Surround with" for JavaSyntax): To
properly localize the "Surround with" menu entry in my old version one would
have to copy the whole PopupMenu property to the localized configuration and
then change the one string to a localized version. Instead I added a property
"SURROUND_WITH" to default English configuration and reference this in
PopupMenu via ${SURROUND_WITH}. That way the localized config only needs to
translate this one property.
3.) Because JarServiceProvider.readProperties always uses lowercase filename my
earlier description was wrong: Swiss config file would have to be named
"config_de_ch.properties", not "config_de_CH.properties"
I attached a revised version of the locale patch file (replaces the earlier
version) as well as an example for German configuration. To see the German
configuration you can start SyntaxTester e.g. with
java -Duser.language=de -cp jsyntaxpane_resources_de.jar;jsyntaxpane-0.9.5.jar
This jar file contains only translations for default kit and javasyntaxkit, so
there might be some remaining English menu entries for other kits.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 14 Jul 2010 at 11:47
I created a new branch, finally after several failed attempts and screwing up
the repo.
I18n will be in r0.9.6 for now and then shortly put into trunk.
see r144
Original comment by [email protected]
on 21 Jul 2010 at 8:58
an exception prevents the ReplaceDialog from starting when there is no bundle
for the current locale. The following patch fixes it:
Bye, Mt
Original comment by [email protected]
on 21 Aug 2013 at 9:44