reaktiv-remote-repo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
reaktiv-remote-repo copied to clipboard

A plugin to provide a self-hosted WP plugin repository

Reaktiv Remote Repo

A plugin to provide a self-hosted WP plugin repository

General Setup

To properly set this up, you must add some code to your plugin, with data from the site you have set up Reaktiv Remote Repo on. All of this should reside in your root file. Note: all of this code resides in your individual plugin. The actual updater class does not get modified in any way.

You first add your repository update URL as a constant. It should be the domain of your site, with update on the end.

if ( ! defined( 'YOUR_REPO_URL' ) ) {
	define( 'YOUR_REPO_URL', '' );

You then need to add the unique key as a constant. This key is generated in your individual item in the repo.

if ( ! defined( 'YOUR_PLUGIN_UNIQUE' ) ) {

Include a version number, which is what the update will check against.

if ( ! defined( 'YOUR_PLUGIN_VER' ) ) {
	define( 'YOUR_PLUGIN_VER', '0.0.1' );

Include the updater class file in your plugin, and load it.

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'rkv_load_updater' );

function rkv_load_updater() {

	if ( ! class_exists( 'RKV_Remote_Updater' ) ) {
		include( 'lib/RKV_Remote_Updater.php' );

And then add the update function in your plugin

add_action( 'admin_init', 'rkv_remote_update' );

function rkv_remote_update() {

	// ensure the class exists before running
	if ( ! class_exists( 'RKV_Remote_Updater' ) ) {

	$updater = new RKV_Remote_Updater( YOUR_REPO_URL, __FILE__, array(
		'unique'    => YOUR_PLUGIN_UNIQUE,
		'version'   => YOUR_PLUGIN_VER,