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Free Google map Wordpress plugin

Results 8 slick-google-map-plugin issues
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I don't see anywhere to enter my API key? Without this the maps do not work.

_Not wishing to double post_ Just thought I should follow your other suggestions in posting here. Here is the shortcode associated with the Print Directions returing a 404 from google....

It seems the sgmp has been included into the translation project, but it lacks proper setup: Fix that


There is a problem when no shortcode id is generated, and multiple maps appear on the same page. The reason is that the geo coding is saved under page id...


The documentation states that coordinates can be entered in DMS format. In this case the google geocoder is used, but it does not support DMS, so slightly wrong (decimal) coordinates...


When using the Marker Geo Mashup, after zooming into a certain area for that map, it then automatically zooms out. It happens when multiple POI's are asynchronously loaded. It would...


There should be a map icon in post/page WYSIWYG editor, to insert the shortcode, but it is missing.


It's just a wish, not a bug. It is possible with many other plugins Google Maps -> insert HTML in the tooltip, for example, to add an image. Why not...
