aceeditor-bundle copied to clipboard
Bundle that integrate excellent JavaScript ace editor into Symfony2 Form.
Ace Editor Bundle
Bundle provides a Ace editor integration into Symfony Form component.
It automatically register ace_editor
form type.
This bundle is supporting following Symfony versions:
To use this bundle with Symfony ^4.0
, require it in Composer:
composer require "norberttech/aceeditor-bundle" ^4.0
Register bundle in AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
new Norzechowicz\AceEditorBundle\NorzechowiczAceEditorBundle(),
// ...
Ace editor
Unles you do some configuration, this bundle expect Ace editor files to be in web/vendor/ace
cd your_project_root/web
mkdir vendor && cd vendor
tar -xvf v1.2.6.tar.gz
mv ace-builds-1.2.6 ace
rm v1.2.6.tar.gz
use Norzechowicz\AceEditorBundle\Form\Extension\AceEditor\Type\AceEditorType;
/* @var $builder \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface */
$builder->add('description', AceEditorType::class, array(
'wrapper_attr' => array(), // aceeditor wrapper html attributes.
'width' => '100%',
'height' => 250,
'font_size' => 12,
'mode' => 'ace/mode/html', // every single default mode must have ace/mode/* prefix
'theme' => 'ace/theme/monokai', // every single default theme must have ace/theme/* prefix
'tab_size' => null,
'read_only' => null,
'use_soft_tabs' => null,
'use_wrap_mode' => null,
'show_print_margin' => null,
'show_invisibles' => null,
'highlight_active_line' => null,
'options_enable_basic_autocompletion' => true,
'options_enable_live_autocompletion' => true,
'options_enable_snippets' => false
'keyboard_handler' => null
Above code will create textarea element that will be replaced with ace editor instance. Textarea value is updated on every single change in ace editor.
This section is optional, you dont need to configure anything and the form type will still work perfectly fine
Default configuration:
# app/config/config.yml
base_path: "vendor/ace" # notice! this is starting from "your_project_root/web"!
autoinclude: true
debug: false # sources not minified, based on kernel.debug but it can force it
noconflict: true # uses ace.require instead of require
You can also include Ace editor directly from a location that follow the same directory layout than
, all you need to do is setting base_path
base_path: ""