me copied to clipboard
学习 rtmp 开发 (Part 8: push streaming from H.264)
H264 Format
AnnexB format:
([start code] NALU) | ( [start code] NALU) |
AVCC format:
([extradata]) | ([length] NALU) | ([length] NALU) |
In annexb, [start code] may be 0x000001 or 0x00000001.
In avcc, the bytes of [length] depends on NALULengthSizeMinusOne in avcc extradata, the value of [length] depends on the size of following NALU and in both annexb and avcc format, the NALUs are no different.
Ref: StackOverflow
这里的Annex B中,Annex是附件的意思,类似附件二,所以Annex B具体来说是指T-REC-H.264-201610-S这个文档中328页附件B,附件B就是描述了Byte stream format, 整个附件B一共就2页
- B1: Byte stream NAL unit syntax and semantics
- B2: Byte stream NAL unit decoding process
parse code
#include "log.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
static const char hexdig[] = "0123456789abcdef";
static const uint8_t startcode[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
static const char *nalu_types[10] = {[0] = "Unspecified", "non-IDR", [5] = "IDR", "SEI", "SPS", "PPS", "AU delimiter"};
typedef struct frame {
uint8_t *address;
uint8_t first_byte;
uint8_t nal_unit_type;
off_t offset;
size_t size;
} frame_t;
typedef struct annexb_stream {
uint8_t *sps;
size_t sps_size;
uint8_t *pps;
size_t pps_size;
frame_t *frames[4096];
size_t frame_count;
frame_t *video_frames[4096];
size_t video_frame_count;
} annexb_stream_t;
static void print_hex(const uint8_t *data, unsigned long len);
static void annexb_parse(annexb_stream_t *);
static void parse_frames(annexb_stream_t *, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
FILE *infile;
uint8_t *buffer;
int main() {
annexb_stream_t stream;
memset(&stream, 0x00, sizeof(annexb_stream_t));
// sps
printf("sps: ");
print_hex(stream.sps, stream.sps_size);
// pps
printf("pps: ");
print_hex(stream.pps, stream.pps_size);
// video frames
printf("video frames: %lu\n", stream.video_frame_count);
// top 10 frames
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
frame_t *frame = stream.frames[i];
printf("frame #%03d - %s\n", i + 1, nalu_types[frame->nal_unit_type]);
return 0;
static void annexb_parse(annexb_stream_t *stream) {
// 简化: 将文件一次load进缓冲区
infile = fopen("sample.h264", "rb");
fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t filesize = ftell(infile);
printf("file size: %lu bytes\n", filesize);
buffer = malloc(filesize);
fread(buffer, 1, filesize, infile);
parse_frames(stream, buffer, filesize);
for (int i = 0; i < stream->frame_count; ++i) {
frame_t *frame = stream->frames[i];
if (stream->sps == NULL && frame->nal_unit_type == 0x07) {
stream->sps_size = frame->size;
stream->sps = malloc(frame->size);
memcpy(stream->sps, frame->address, frame->size);
if (stream->pps == NULL && frame->nal_unit_type == 0x08) {
stream->pps_size = frame->size;
stream->pps = malloc(frame->size);
memcpy(stream->pps, frame->address, frame->size);
if (frame->nal_unit_type == 0x01 || frame->nal_unit_type == 0x05) {
stream->video_frames[stream->video_frame_count++] = frame;
void parse_frames(annexb_stream_t *stream, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) {
uint8_t *p = buffer;
uint8_t *begin = NULL;
while (buffer + size - p >= 0) {
if ((p[0] == 0x00 && p[1] == 0x00 && p[2] == 0x00 && p[3] == 0x01) || p == buffer + size) {
if (begin == NULL) {
p += 4;
begin = p;
} else {
frame_t *frame = malloc(sizeof(frame_t));
frame->first_byte = *begin;
frame->nal_unit_type = *begin & 0x1f;
frame->address = begin;
frame->offset = begin - buffer;
frame->size = p - begin;
stream->frames[stream->frame_count++] = frame;
// printf("frame(#%04lu) offset: 0x%08llx, size: %lu\n", frame_count, frame->offset, frame->size);
// print_hex(frame->address, frame->size);
begin = NULL;
} else {
static void print_hex(const uint8_t *data, unsigned long len) {
if (len <= 16) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
printf("%02x ", data[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
printf("%02x ", data[i]);
printf("...... ");
for (int i = 4; i > 0; --i) {
printf("%02x ", data[len - i]);
dump frames 如下:
frame(#0001) offset: 0x00000004, size: 15
27 4d 00 15 ab 61 a3 7c b2 cd 40 40 40 40 80
frame(#0002) offset: 0x00000017, size: 4
28 ee 3c 80
frame(#0003) offset: 0x0000001f, size: 15
27 4d 00 15 ab 61 a3 7c b2 cd 40 40 40 40 80
frame(#0004) offset: 0x00000032, size: 4
28 ee 3c 80
frame(#0005) offset: 0x0000003a, size: 54556
65 b8 10 00 35 ff f9 19 e9 dd b0 3b ...... 03 00 00 03
frame(#0006) offset: 0x0000d55a, size: 15679
41 e1 08 41 af ab ae 27 38 f5 67 69 ...... de c8 48 46
frame(#0426) offset: 0x001a89a7, size: 344
41 e3 18 41 af fe da a7 f8 21 dc 24 ...... 95 82 fa 40
frame(#0427) offset: 0x001a8b03, size: 126
01 a9 05 88 2f ff 01 ac 8d 42 d6 f7 ...... 81 d4 60 7d
frame(#0428) offset: 0x001a8b85, size: 310
41 e4 20 41 af fe da a7 f8 21 dc 24 ...... 15 b6 23 78
frame(#0429) offset: 0x001a8cbf, size: 125
01 a9 47 88 2f ff 01 ac 8d 42 d6 f7 ...... 6d 58 27 40
file size: 1740092 bytes
sps: 27 4d 00 15 ab 61 a3 7c b2 cd 40 40 40 40 80
pps: 28 ee 3c 80
video frames: 399
frame #001 - SPS
frame #002 - PPS
frame #003 - SPS
frame #004 - PPS
frame #005 - IDR
frame #006 - non-IDR
frame #007 - non-IDR
frame #008 - non-IDR
frame #009 - non-IDR
frame #010 - non-IDR
- @setMetaFrame
- AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
Wireshark dump内容如下:
String '@setDataFrame'
AMF0 type: String (0x02)
String length: 13
String: @setDataFrame
String 'onMetaData'
AMF0 type: String (0x02)
String length: 10
String: onMetaData
ECMA array (20 items)
AMF0 type: ECMA array (0x08)
Array length: 20
Property 'duration' Number 0
Property 'fileSize' Number 0
Property 'width' Number 200
Property 'height' Number 200
Property 'videocodecid' Number 7
Property 'videodatarate' Number 2500
Property 'framerate' Number 10
Property 'encoder' String 'obs-output module (libobs version 27.2.4)'
End Of Object Marker
然后观察obs (flv-mux.c)
static void build_flv_meta_data(obs_output_t context, uint8_t **output, size_t *size) {
obs_encoder_t vencoder = obs_output_get_video_encoder(context);
obs_encoder_t aencoder = obs_output_get_audio_encoder(context);
video_t video = obs_encoder_video(vencoder);
audio_t audio = obs_encoder_audio(aencoder);
char buf[4096];
char *enc = buf;
char *end = enc + sizeof(buf);
enc_str(&enc, end, "onMetaData");
*enc++ = AMF_ECMA_ARRAY;
enc = AMF_EncodeInt32(enc, end, 14);
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "duration", 0.0);
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "fileSize", 0.0);
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "width", (double) video_output_width(video));
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "height", (double) video_output_height(video));
enc_str_val(&enc, end, "videocodecid", "avc1");
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "videodatarate", encoder_bitrate(vencoder));
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "framerate", video_output_framerate(video));
enc_str_val(&enc, end, "audiocodecid", "mp4a");
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "audiodatarate", encoder_bitrate(aencoder));
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "audiosamplerate", (double) audio_output_samplerate(audio));
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "audiosamplesize", 16.0);
enc_num_val(&enc, end, "audiochannels", (double) audio_output_channels(audio));
enc_bool_val(&enc, end, "stereo", audio_output_channels(audio) == 2);
enc_str_val(&enc, end, "encoder", MODULE_NAME);
*enc++ = 0;
*enc++ = 0;
*enc++ = AMF_OBJECT_END;
*size = enc - buf;
*output = bmemdup(buf, *size);
- duration: 0
- fileSize: 0
- width: from sps
- height: from sps
- videocodec: avc1
- videodatarate: from sps
- framerate: from sps
- videodatarate: bps (encoder bitrate)
- framerate: fps (frame per second)
FLV中存放sps/pps的tag如下, 以下字节去掉了Tag Header, 从VIDEODATA为0x17开始,1表示keyframe (for AVC, a seeable fame), 7表示AVC
* 17 00 00 00 00 01 4d 00 15 ff e1 00 0f 27 4d 00
* 15 ab 61 a3 7c b2 cd 40 40 40 40 80 01 00 04 28
* ee 3c 80
- 第1个字节是VIDEODATA header
- 第2-5个字节是AVCVIDEOPACKET header
- 从第6个字节(0x01)开始后是AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
DEBUG: Tag type: 9 - video
DEBUG: Data size: 35
DEBUG: Timestamp: 135000
DEBUG: Timestamp etxended: 0
DEBUG: StreamID: 0
DEBUG: Video tag:
DEBUG: Frame type: 1 - keyframe (for AVC, a seekable frame)
DEBUG: Codec ID: 7 - AVC
// 以下对应 avc_decoder_configuration_record_t
DEBUG: AVC video packet:
DEBUG: AVC packet type: 0 - AVC sequence header
DEBUG: AVC composition time: 0
DEBUG: AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord:
DEBUG: Configuration Version: 1
DEBUG: AVC Profile Indication: 77
DEBUG: Profile Compatibility: 0
DEBUG: AVC Level Indication: 21
DEBUG: Minus One: 3
DEBUG: SPS num: 1
DEBUG: SPS length: 15
DEBUG: 27 4d 00 15 ab 61 a3 7c b2 cd 40 40 40 40 80
DEBUG: PPS num: 1
DEBUG: PPS length: 4
DEBUG: 28 ee 3c 80
这里需要填写的内容比较简单, 参考AVC File Format (ISO 14496-15)
- Configuration Version: 1
- AVC profile Indication: sps的第2个字节 (0x4d 77)
- Profile Compatibility: sps的第3个字节 (0x00 00)
- AVC Level Indication: sps的第4个字节 (0x15 21)
- 后面就是sps和pps的data
size_t obs_parse_avc_header(uint8_t **header, const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
struct array_output_data output;
struct serializer s;
const uint8_t *sps = NULL, *pps = NULL;
size_t sps_size = 0, pps_size = 0;
array_output_serializer_init(&s, &output);
if (size <= 6)
return 0;
if (!has_start_code(data)) {
*header = bmemdup(data, size);
return size;
get_sps_pps(data, size, &sps, &sps_size, &pps, &pps_size);
if (!sps || !pps || sps_size < 4)
return 0;
s_w8(&s, 0x01);
s_write(&s, sps + 1, 3);
s_w8(&s, 0xff);
s_w8(&s, 0xe1);
s_wb16(&s, (uint16_t)sps_size);
s_write(&s, sps, sps_size);
s_w8(&s, 0x01);
s_wb16(&s, (uint16_t)pps_size);
s_write(&s, pps, pps_size);
*header = output.bytes.array;
return output.bytes.num;
- sps: Sequence Parameter Set
- pps: Picture Parameter Set
[Golomb及指数哥伦布编码原理介绍及实现 - Brook_icv - 博客园]
- 指数哥伦布编码: 是一种无损数字压缩算法
- ue(v): 采用无符号指数哥伦布编码值
27 4d 00 15 ab 61 a3 7c b2 cd 40 40 40 40 80
% xxd sps
00000000: 274d 0015 ab61 a37c b2cd 4040 4040 80 'M...a.|..@@@@.
% xxd -b sps
00000000: 00100111 01001101 00000000 00010101 10101011 01100001 'M...a
00000006: 10100011 01111100 10110010 11001101 01000000 01000000 .|..@@
0000000c: 01000000 01000000 10000000
- FLV Tag header中的Timestamp(UI24)和TimestampExtended(UI8), ext是BL的高8位
- AVCVIDEOPACKET中的CompositionTime(SI24)
- UI: unsigned integer, SI: signed integer
- Byte order: BE
写了一个解析flv的timestamp和composition time,
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 00 23 02 0f 58 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 00 00 00 00
#000001 video 0x000259 46 35 135000 0x17 0x0 0
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 d5 40 02 0f 58 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 01 00 00 64
#000002 video 0x00029e 54603 54592 135000 0x17 0x1 100
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 3d 48 02 0f bc 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 c8
#000003 video 0x00dedc 15699 15688 135100 0x27 0x1 200
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 07 a1 02 10 20 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 00
#000004 video 0x0124dd 1964 1953 135200 0x27 0x1 0
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 08 f9 02 10 84 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 c8
#000005 video 0x013537 2308 2297 135300 0x27 0x1 200
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 05 0a 02 10 e8 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 00
#000006 video 0x01452e 1301 1290 135400 0x27 0x1 0
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 05 c3 02 11 4c 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 64
#000007 video 0x0152f1 1486 1475 135500 0x27 0x1 100
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 05 3e 02 11 b0 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 64
#000008 video 0x01616e 1353 1342 135600 0x27 0x1 100
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 05 29 02 12 14 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 c8
#000009 video 0x016da9 1332 1321 135700 0x27 0x1 200
tag id type address tag size payload size timestamp video type pkt type composition time
-------- -------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------------
..09 00 04 b7 02 12 78 00 00 00 00
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 01 00 00 00
#000010 video 0x017b8c 1218 1207 135800 0x27 0x1 0
- 重要重要 rtmp 时间戳_超详细RTMP协议详解(资深流媒体架构师推荐)_weixin_39729115的博客-CSDN博客
- 重要 0voice/audio_video_streaming: 音视频流媒体权威资料整理,500+份文章,论文,视频,实践项目,协议,业界大神名单。
- H264系列十五 句法元素SPS - 简书
- H264系列十八 解析NALU(SPS,PPS,IDR)实例 - 简书
- 解析H264的SPS信息_find12的博客-CSDN博客_sps 解析
- H264码流中SPS PPS详解 - 知乎
- 解析H264的SPS信息 - 简书
- parse AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord example
- H264码流中SPS PPS SEI概念及详解_huabiaochen的博客-CSDN博客_h264 sei
- libva-h264/ at master · intel/libva-h264
- H264 推流到RTMP服务器_Stoneshen1211的博客-CSDN博客_h264转rtmp
- 重要 H264码流中的avcC和Annex-B | 老木匠