Nikolai Onken
Nikolai Onken
I ran into this as well and called `passport.authorize` instead of `passport.authenticate`. This with `consent` and `accessType: 'offline'` works for me.
@brikendr I made this a build file and the build works. `codesign --verbose -s -` still fails with `main executable failed strict validation` even though I added the line `compiler.options.empty...
Can confirm this not working and would love for it to work as well 🙏🏻.
I think it currently fetches the keys for a particular profile here I wonder what the approach is when I need to access multiple profiles for multiple clients that...
Hi @sriram-mv, I am using sam local invoke to invoke a lambda that was built through a CDK stack. The lambda uses multiple AWS SDK clients with different SSO profiles...
I was able to workaround this by setting `skipUserProfile: true`. This might not be addressing this issue but sharing nonetheless.
I am also looking into a similar thing where I want to be able to access the cluster from another cluster. For this I setup a LoadBalancer as you did,...
@mneedham awesome, I will confirm whether this is working asap. Regarding your suggestion on removing the pod: I have a load balancer sitting in front which a service talks to....
@mneedham this took me a little longer. I can confirm that using the livenessProbe sort of works. Now to the actual behaviour. My understanding is that the readynessProbe actually starts...
I upgraded to `3.3.4` and just started seeing this again.