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Instagram Data Scraper, Instagram Web Scraper, Instagram Super Scraper is a PHP script which takes @user-name or #keywords as input and returns all information related to user or hash-tags e.g. likes,...

⚠️ Warning

Dear people,

Instagram doing lots of changes in their APIs and Endpoints, hence lots of issues occurring everywhere. We are in the phase to observe all the changes and will come up with the final solution. Till then we are apologies for the inconvenience caused.

:star: Instagram-Data-Scraper V 2.6 (Beta) - Last Updated : 11th May 2021

As I had promised @useraccount search is now available now. You have to set your own Instagram session ID to pull account search. You can follow the instructions to get SESSION ID. Just log in to your Instagram account and copy the session id from your browser (click to 'Set session' button to get more help).

:see_no_evil: What is Instagram Data Scraper?

Instagram Data Scraper is a PHP script that takes @username or #hashtag as input and returns all information related to users e.g. likes, comments, post counts, images, likes on images etc.

Currently only the User's Name, Biography, Followers, Following, Posts, Likes, Comments & Views data in displaying. For other details you have to enable from PHP script code, Update Controller/Instagram Class "public $result_type = 'JSON' or 'ARRAY';"

jQuery is being used to build Awesome Views, to handle each and every request separately. I hope you like this small chunk of code :)

:innocent: What's new in Instagram Data Scraper (Beta)?

Following features are available for now:

  • [ ] Instagram Reels Search (WIP)
  • [ ] Instagram Reels Likes/Views/Play/Comments & Counts (WIP)
  • [ ] Instagram Reels Video Play (WIP)
  • [ ] Top 100 Posts for user (WIP)
  • [ ] Top trending hashtags (WIP)
  • [ ] Trend by location (WIP)
  • [ ] Most likeed posts (WIP)
  • [x] Hashtag Likes
  • [x] Hashtag Comments
  • [x] Hashtag Keywords
  • [x] Hashtag Video Views
  • [x] Hashtag Top Post Keywords
  • [x] Hashtag Top Post Preview
  • [x] Hashtag Top Post Data
  • [x] User Account Search
  • [x] User Account Biography
  • [x] User Account Followers
  • [x] User Account Following
  • [x] User Account Posts
  • [x] User Account Likes
  • [x] User Account Comments
  • [x] User Account Views
  • [x] Download data in excel

:scream_cat: Screenshot - [A] 2.6 (Beta) released:

App Screenshot


:scream_cat: Screenshot - [B] 2.6 (Beta) released:

App Screenshot

:pencil2: Development Notes:

  • Instagram Data Scraper can fetch #hashtag likes, views, top posts (10), comments, keywords count.
  • You can set N Depth Level Search by editing JavaScript code, currently it's 4 levels see. 'this.maxRequestNo = 4;' in core.js file. The depth control currently set for only keyword Search, Account Search is still open without any limit, but in future, you may see Depth Controller for Account Search too.
  • You may have Depth Search Controller in a future release.
  • Instagram Scraper doesn't follow any Standard API Rules (Because it's POC/Demo purpose only). If you thinking to make this as Commercial the Have OWN INSTAGRAM VALID API ACCESS, MODIFY THE REQUEST PART & ENJOY!
  • Currently, Instagram Scraper works on Purely Scrape Method, there is no API implemented. It's open some Instagram link which returns JSON data and then application creating view by business logic.
  • The Instagram links are uncertain and may change at any time so please don't depend on them and have VALID INSTAGRAM API to BUILD APPLICATION. Below are some examples:
  • Simple Application Flow:

All code is well commented to understand the flow and functionality, if I missed something or any improvement/suggestion you have, kindly let me know.. .... Read More on Wiki

(A) - User Input > Account or Hashtag > Request Link > JSON Response > Make Result (B) - (A) -> JSON Response -> If Next Page or Has Next Page > User Input > Account or Hashtag > Request Link > JSON Response > Make Result

:package: Data available in Instagram Data Scraper

1 - Account information - N Level Search

- User Biography
- User Followers Counts
- User Followings Count
- User Posts Count
- User Likes Count
- User Comments Count
- User Views Count
- User's Post (Likes)

2 - Search information - 4 Level Search

- Unique Keyword Used and Count
- No Of Posts by Hashtags
- No Of Likes by Hashtags
- No Of Comments by Hashtag
- Top 10 Posts, Comments and Likes by Hashtag
- Keyword summary, how many times a word used in Posts

Instagram JSON Response Endpoints & Parameters:

 * Instagram links to get JSON data
 * @var array

* Next-ID = JSON Response page_info > has_next_page > end_cursor

public $endpoint = array(
    // returns an user information - first set - html data
    'account'                         => '{user}',

    // returns an user information - next set - html data until has_next_page = 0 or null or false
    'account_next_call'               => '{user}/?max_id={max_id}',

    // returns an user account information - first set - in json format
    'account_json'                    => '{user}/?__a=1',

    // returns an user account information - next set -in json format until has_next_page = 0 or null or false
    'account_json_next_call'          => '{user}/?__a=1&max_id={max_id}',

    // returns json data for hashtag search or keyword search in json format - first set
    'search_tags_json'                => '{tag}/?__a=1',

    // returns json data for hashtag search or keyword search in json format - next set until has_next_page = 0 or null or false
    'search_tags_json_next_call'      => '{tag}/?__a=1&max_id={max_id}',

    // get all available hashtag or keyword or account name list, e.g. Instagram Search Box Auto complete list
    'search_all_tags_json'            => '{keyword}&__a=1',

    // send tag code and get all user related information
    'search_username_by_tagcode_json' => '{code}/?tagged={tag}&__a=1',

For your application

Use PHP Class, HTML & Core.js to tweak as per your requirement.

You can see a working demo here Click to See

:wrench: Requirement

Apache version => 2.4 PHP version =>5.* PHP allow_url_fopen & openssl or cURL enable Browser & Off-course internet Connection :)

PHP Settings:

A-) allow_url_fopen + openssl extension OR cURL enable

Apache Settings:

B-) Enable .htaccess (optional)


C-) Rename dev.htaccess to .htaccess (If you are using windows just rename file dev.htaccess to .htaccess. and the window will ignore the last dot.. )

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Change logs:

Committed repo change code version 2.6

  • Video views count added in Table and Excel #24
  • User account search activated

Committed repo change code version 2.5.3

  • Video total view count added at top of the bar
  • Video view count added for each hashtag

Committed repo change code version 2.5.2

  • Account Information Likes has Post Preview

Committed repo change code version 2.5.1

  • Min or Full Account Information Toggle Button

Committed repo change code version 2.5

  • Now you can Search #Hashtags and @UserAccounts simultaneously - New Feature
  • Searching Keyword added - New Feature
  • Keywords Analytics - New Feature
  • Top Posts - New Feature
  • Top Post Comments - New Feature
  • Each request is being handled separately; so don't take a hiccup if you click somewhere during the request - Improved
  • Pure HTML file to make an easy template to use in PHP or ASP or any language.
  • Search tips: '#' to search Hashtags and '@' to search account information
  • Use 'Space' to search multiple hashtags and accounts
  • Download in Excel available

Committed repo change code version 2.1

  • 8 - Updated Class Instagram
  • 9- Updated JavaScript Code
  • 11- Updated Content
  • 12- Add MultiCurl feature [Thanks to @Pete Warden][]
  • 13- Added Error Handling

Committed repo change code version 2.0

  • 1 - Added data file example
  • 2 - Added result PHP array example
  • 3 - Updated navbar CSS
  • 4 - Update js file and CSS file and minify files
  • 5 - Remove htaccess [re_write apache module] dependencies
  • 6 - Added PHP Code to build PHP array
  • 7 - Some minor UI changes `

Feel free to use and enjoy!! & Yes! all feedback's, enhancements are most welcome...


This application/Code/Script is provided free of cost and for learning purpose that's how we can scrape a website HTML source code. It is not intended to harm anyone or to make any illegal use. Kindly, respect the user's privacy and other peoples effort. Do not try to intent break anything. This World is Beautiful... More Then We thought :)

Thank you all :)