After a different syntax. I've seen many places where ascii integer literals are used, but that might be an artefact of `see`ing words which does not show the code executed...
Wouldn't that hold for most types? I find it quite elegant to be able to predict (it could almost be automated!) how the following are implemented: ``` MATH: op (...
As for singlethreading versus multithreading versus multiprocessing; the difference is in on the one hand efficiency, on the other hand resource sharing. Having multiple Factors runnning in different processes is...
Given that `ERROR:` is documented (!) as: ``` ERROR: class slots... ; ``` I propose to: Somewhere define: ``` TUPLE: error ... ; ``` and adapt `ERROR:` to: ``` SYNTAX:...
One example of useful behavior to be able to specialize on would be `error.`. Currently we have: ``` M: tuple error. describe ; ``` whereas we then would be able...
Oh right. But I don't think I'm limiting those errors? I know any object can be thrown. I'm interested in those defined with `ERROR:`. Maybe it's possible to further generalize,...
Hmm, I did check the online docs for `error`, but when using the help Browser I see that name is also used by the `continuations` vocabulary as symbol to hold...
> Another thing that bothers me about ERROR: is the class name and the thrower word are the same. It shouldn't be like that imo. It actually is biting me...
> Currently certain kernel-errors are arrays with special slots set according to type. And thrown from the VM. I’m unsure if we could make those “error” tuple instances easily. Are...
I'm aware you can throw anything. I was specifically looking at types defined with `ERROR:`, which are now indiscernible from regular tuples. I can work around that, but it's not...