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Please add Docs for usage with Angular
I have really issues to understand how to use swiper in a clean way with angular. is there a update planed to add also a doc for usage with Angular beside vue, react etc?
@SvenBudak There used to be Angular support, but this was removed in favor of Swiper Element and I believe the other frameworks mentioned will also have support phased out. I have had to change my implementation quite frequently over the past year or 2 to use this with Angular. I recommend creating a separate module for your slider. At the top, add import { register as registerSwiperSlider } from "swiper/element/bundle"; registerSwiperSlider();
and in your @NgModule declaration, add a schemas property to support swiper-container and swiper-slide:
Under usage in the swiper element docs, you will find the template code necessary. Make the swiper-container opening tag look like this:
<swiper-container #swiper init="false" class="swiper-wrapper swiper">
And here is an example ts:
selector: "app-slider",
templateUrl: "./slider.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./slider.component.scss"]
export class SliderComponent implements AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild("swiper", { static: false }) swiper: ElementRef;
public swiperParams: any = {
direction: "horizontal",
spaceBetween: 30,
pagination: { clickable: true, enable: true },
loop: false
constructor() {}
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
Object.assign(this.swiper.nativeElement, this.swiperParams); // Attach config
// @ts-ignore
this.swiper.nativeElement?.initialize(); // After this runs, no changes can be made to swiper, so assign any listeners and configuration beforehand
Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
I am gettting this error this.swiper.nativeElement?.initialize() is not a function