Vladimir Kharlampidi
Vladimir Kharlampidi
But at the moment is not an option as it is heavily used in Framework7, where i will need to up a major version too then )
It won't work. Just pass `@key` as the helper argument and do the logic inside of helper handler
Latest ssr-window doesn't have UMD/CJS modules anymore, only ESM which I think may not be supported by Jest. Plus why do you use it in your Jest tests if as...
Тут он всегда снизу, это имеется ввиду горизонтальная позиция и только на широких экранах https://tailwind-mobile.com/react/toast#prop-position
Can you give an example of how the HTML should be modified that would work correctly?
Can you give an example of how the HTML should be modified that would work correctly?
Here is the repo where it works https://github.com/konstaui/konsta-nuxt3-starter In prod mode i also see that `isCE` error, will check that but i guess it could happen because of Konsta package...
fixed in 0.11.0, check/fork starter repo, works both dev and prod builds
It is possible to add such component to Tailwind Mobile, but I didn't do it yet because I think it is kind of bad practice to mimic native push notifications...
А почему `menu` не подходит? :)